Chapter 17 °•New Student•°

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[no art this time!]

|3rd pov|

As Kazuha walks around the halls, he hears people talk about a new student. He wonders who that might be and goes to the classroom. As he opened the door he saw a new student flirting with Scara, he was very uncomfortable if someone flirted with him and that's what Kazuha knew about Scara. So Kazuha walked towards the new student and asked, "Could you please stop flirting with my friend?? He obviously is uncomfortable."
"Fine." Said the new student and went to his seat.

|Scaramouche pov|

Thank god he left.. he was getting annoying, only Kazuha can flirt with me.
"Hey Kazu, do you know the name of the new student?"
"No, why?"
"Oh.. I was just wondering.."
" ok.."
Weird, why did it sound like he was jealous?

|Kazuha pov|

I really want to kill that new student, he dares to flirt with my Scara.
Seriously I am going to kill him.. for Scara.
No one flirts with Scara except me.

|3rd pov|

Some days had passed since the new student came. The new student flirted with Scara when he had the opportunity and pinned him on the wall. Kazuha had enough of him, he went to the new student and said "If you don't stop flirting with him im going to kill you. Understood?"
The new student didn't think much of it and still continued flirting with Scara.

Until..  he disappeared.

The school called the police, because it has been weeks since he had disappeared. Scara didn't care and didn't want to know what happend to him, but he knew Kazuha acted weird.
Kazuha was very quiet and overthinking things like 'what if they find out it was him?' or 'will Scara accept me of what I did?'

The next day the school gets a call from the New students mother telling them she found his body in the attic hanging. Every student hears about it, but Kazuha and Scara were the only ones who didn't care.
Well.. Kazuha was smiling a bit..? Scara saw that but ignored it.
Everyone thinks it was suicide...

But do you want to know if it really was suicide or not?

°•𝙼𝚎𝚝 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙸𝚗 𝙷𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕•°Where stories live. Discover now