Chapter 3 °•Acceptance•°

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[Art not mine!!]

|°•Scaramouche Pov•°|

It's been 2 weeks since I agreed to be his friend so he could stop annoying me... But I do like being near him, talking to him and-
"You were daydreaming Scaramouche, pay attention to the lesson!"
Ugh I sometimes hate Ms.Jean, she overworks herself and her lessons are boring.
She somehow knows that I am daydreaming alot.. which is suspicious.

At lunch break

"Hey Kazu.." I say not noticing I said "KAZU" A FUCKING NICKNAME!!
"Hm?" Kazuha doesn't seem to be bothered by the Nickname I gave him.

|°•Kazuha Pov•°|

He called me Kazu! It's actually cute, just like he is. A- .. it's hard to deny that I have a crush on him, it's pretty obvious for some people.
Even the twins know by now I have a crush on him.
"I just wanna say that I became your friend, because you were annoying."
"I kinda regret saying that..and you're my first friend ever."
That took me by surprise, but I'm glad I am his first friend!
" you want to be my best friend?" I ask Scara and he nodded, he sometimes is an Asshole to other people but to me nice, he cares about me.

After school

"Hey Scara!! Do you want to come to my house?"
"Yeah sure." Damn- my heart, he's so pretty.
During the walk Scara didn't talk that much, so I just started conversations and it wouldn't bother him. I'm glad he enjoys my company!

In Kazuhas house

|°•Scaramouche Pov•°|

Whoa..his house is so big!
"I didn't know you were rich, Kazu!"
"Oh yeah my mom is the Principal in the School we are going."
"Hehe oops?"
"There is a reason why I'm calling you 'Idiot' sometimes y'know."
Kazuha is really a idiot, well sometimes, most of the time he's really cool and what can I IM NOT INLOVE WITH HIM!!? WHY DID I THINK THAT?!!
"Come on Scara! Let's go to my room."
Damn those butterflies in my stomach again... They always come when I'm with Kazuha.
Words: 578

[Damn Scara, you simp. Anyway hope you enjoyed this Chapter too, there will be more chapters, I don't know how many though]

°•𝙼𝚎𝚝 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙸𝚗 𝙷𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕•°Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora