Chapter 9 °•Heated Game•°

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[Art not mine!!!]

|°•Scaraniuche Pov•°|

After twister and many other game, eating some fell asleep, Gorou did too.
Thank God, he was annoying with Kazuha this and Kazuha that, like shut the fuck up no one cares you are making him uncomfortable.

Why do I even care for KAZU??!
But then again he's my first friend ever.

|°•Kazuha Pov•°|

Scara gets Blindfolded as planned, it's not necessary but..Lumine wanted it.
I get my blindfold and put it on my head before I put it on my eyes.
I head to the room or closet? Like seriously what is this?
"This is the room you two will be!"
"Lumine- this looks like a closet."
"No it isn't.. :)" she really is mean sometimes.. but eh she's my friend.

As I go into the room, Lumine closes the door behind me. It's very dark here that's good.

|°•Scaramouche Pov•°|

I hear a door close, where am I? I can't see shit with this Blindfold on me!! But then I feel.. someone's lips touching mine, is someone kissing me?! Who?
Then the blindfold gets of my eyes and I see red eyes.. like Kazu's eyes.

I don't know why but I enjoy the kiss..
I really don't know who that is but..their familiar to Kazu...

|°•3rd person•°|

Kazuha and Scaramouche share a long kiss, then Kazuha tries adding his tongue. Scaramouche opens his Mouth granting him permission to enter, it goes on like that till Kazuha slams Scaramouche on the wall making him do a small sound or moan-.

While in the other room where the other are sleeping, Gorou wakes up.
He wasn't really asleep, he was pretending to wait for the perfect moment.

It obviously failed. So Gorou went searching for Kazuha, but he didn't find him some he went back and waited..

Back to Scaramouche and Kazuha, it's getting a bit intense. Kazuha takes a further step and tries getting his hand under Scaramouche's Clothes.
He makes a little sound that surprises Kazuha, but the kiss is getting intense.

|°•Kazuha Pov•°|

His voice is what I want to hear, his body feels good too. Everything about him, I need it even himself! I need him now..
"Kazu... I-is that you?.." I hear him saying my name, like he's almost out of breath. But I make the kiss intenser than it already is.

|°•Gorou Pov•°|

I got sick of waiting, so I started searching him.
I went to every room, until I heard a sound from the..closet?
So I opened it and to my surprise I saw... Kazuha kissing Scaramouche..
I wish that was me, how could he steal him from me??! Ugh I hate him.

I went back to sleep, cause I didn't want to think about it.

|°•3rd person•°|

It went on like this for a few more minutes, before Kazuha but the blindfold back on Scaramouche and himself to "pretend" like it never happend between them.
Scaramouche didn't know it was Kazuha but let it slide.

Lumine brought them back to their sleeping bags to make it, like it never happened.

Words: 516

[My first time writing something like that, but damn spicy! Anyways bye!!]

°•𝙼𝚎𝚝 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙸𝚗 𝙷𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕•°Where stories live. Discover now