34. Another Side

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Okay guys so this Is gonna be a little bit different than the usual chapters. This is gonna be a little shorter as well, basically I am gonna show what has been up with Kathrine and Kai in this chapter.

I feel like those two are also an important part of the story and you guys cant really see their side so I am basically gonna show you their side of the story. Also I, the main author is back and thank you for everyone wishing me well and all.

Update: The other story my friend is kinda thinking the plot, but she will continue it soon enough.

Also tysm for 4k+ reads!!

Oct 16th 2030

Kai and Kathrine were currently residing in the Mystic Falls Clock Tower. Kai had been having a few birds as his current play toy while Kathrine was busy reading up on what she had to do. Kai was sitting near the window while Kathrine was standing beside the bell.

"I have an idea" said Kai as he turned around to see Kathrine

"Well, I'm bored so go ahead, what is it?" said Kathrine

"What if we burn all of them alive?" said Kai

"Nope not gonna work" said Kathrine not taking her eyes off the book

"We Have been here for a while now, can you start explaining why we are not doing anything?" said Kai as he kept down the bird and moved towards Kathrine.

Kathrine rolled her eyes and closed the books while keeping one finger on the page she was reading and replied, "See, I know them better than anyone, I know the blood that run in their veins so well that I know that they will destroy themselves."

"Well that cleared everything up" said Kai.

"Oh Kai, you are too violent, like any other guy. Killing them will not make them feel pain, losing someone they all truly love will, after all, Love is a death sentence." said Kathrine

"Sooo, let's go kill that Little Mikaelson, what are we waiting for?" said Kai

"Hope dying would be bad for them but not really heartbreaking, it is that Elizabeth who has to go. Hope loves her, Sebastian does too and Penelope and her are basically sisters not to mention Josie might actually die because of that." said Kathrine as she kept the book on the table beside her and crossed her arms.

"Then let's kill her, who cares" said Kai as he turned around to get the knife

"No need for that she is already dying" said Kathrine as Kai turned around back to Kathrine.

"Again, mind explaining?" said Kai

"When she saw Hope kissing her sister she was heartbroken, so she took the same pills that Bonnie did and well, we all know the fate Bonnie had to face" said Kathrine with a smirk.

"Well, Katrina Petrova, I underestimated you." said Kai with a smirk.

"I always get what I want and I always win" said Kathrine as she took her book back from the table.

"Lucky for you so do I" said Kai as he went back to the window.

Kathrine also sat down on the couch against the wall opposite to the window as she opened her book and continued reading.

"We always have, am and will win" muttered Kathrine as she took a sip of her coffee and continued reading.

Even though the Salvatore school had no idea what was coming, they somehow knew that Kai and Kathrine were not the worst storms that were coming and that it was the beginning of the end.

Okay guys I know this is pretty short but I just wanted to make this to show you all a POV of what was happening from their side.

Please comment your ideas and yes wait for the fic coming up I love yall and take car, stay safe and I will see you all In the next chapter!!

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