2. Can we just get over with this?

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For one I just saw the new episode and it is soo good I don't know if my story can compete with that but let's try!! 

It has been a week since everything happened, the school was reopening again soon enough and the summer break was almost over, it would not be too long before vampires, witches and werewolves would be running here and there, but with all of this there were also new admissions each year. This was something that everyone was common with by now but the thing is that all of this was handled by Professor Saltzman, but he was in a coma.

Josie woke up that day with full determination for Dr. Saltzman to wake up and for her to bring back hope. She woke up in her room, she noticed that Finch was sleeping so she decided not to wake her up so she tiptoed her way out of the room and as soon as she exited her room she saw that Lizzie was running downstairs and that she was crying.

"What's wrong Lizzie?" Josie shouted, but she was already downstairs and could probably not hear her right now.

So she ran down the exquisite, old, antique stairs as she went downstairs and she saw that her dad woke up.

"Dad?" Josie said basically in tears

"It's me" said Alaric opening his arms to hug Josie as well.

All three of them were shedding many tears of joy as Lizzie asked, "How did this happen?"

"Well. Dr. Saltzman was already healed he just needed his conscious to come back and with the help of modern medicine and nature he was able to do that." replied Cleo.

Lizzie and Josie were too overwhelmed to question anything or ask something they just sat by their dad. 

After about 2 hours once everything was settled, and everyone stopped crying they all gathered to have breakfast in Alaric's bedroom so that he felt comfortable. Alaric seemed a bit quiet a lot of the time as the others filled him in and then he decided to speak up, "Thank you so much everyone for not giving up on me and..." Alaric stopped as he gazed off but then he continued, "I need to tell all of you something." He replied in a rather concerning tone.

Everyone's face and energy turned a little down as they focused on what Alaric had to say. Then Alaric continued with a little sigh, "I have decided to resign from the position of the acting headmaster."

A certain silence filled the room. Everyone looked at each other not knowing what to do.

Then Kaleb broke the silence by saying, "But Dr. S then who will take over and where will you go?"

"I know it is kind of abrupt but I don't belong in this world and I have realized that, as per for me I have bought a beautiful villa in Bora Bora, technically an old friend of mine helped." said Alaric

"Who might this friend be?" said Cleo questioningly

"Damon Salvatore, he and Elena helped me in getting the villa and for the school I am not sure who will manage it but I am sure we can figure something out." replied Alaric.

"But when will we see you then?" asked Lizzie

"I don't know" said Alaric as the girls faces drop a few more tears.

"I am sorry but I never belonged in this world I should have realized that years ago but I do no regret it, because that gave me you all, and I will never regret it but it does not mean that I cannot do this anymore" said Alaric as everyone frowned a little at this small conversation.

Meanwhile Hope was in triad headquarters locked in a glass cell, she was unconscious until now and as she woke up and gained conscience she tried to get out of the cell by banging on he glass but she could not. Then a women walked in.

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