20. In Another Life

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So a lot of you might be getting impatient and might be like when the hell will everyone confess their love for everyone but the thing is that I am planning on making this a slowburn so just hang on with me I can gaurantee you that the end will be spectacular so stick around.

Also this will be like a therapy box chapter but everything will be colored NOT black and white just keep that in mind while reading this.

31 January 2030

Like every other day today everyone woke up in their beds knowing the excercise that they were doing today as Rebekah had already given them a hint yesterday, they were going back into the therapy box but this time it was school assignment it felt weird to Hope to be spending a whole day on school assignments rather than the usual game of who the hell is the monster is now.

Quite frankly Hope was done with this game but apparently it was not the same the other way around.

Lizzie woke up still pretty mad at Hope, she was not mad that Caroline was not there she was mad at Hope, and as crazy as it sounds she was mad at herself as well and maybe she was a little upset with Caroline but nothing too much.

Josie woke up more confused than ever and she was one of the only people looking forward to this hoping it would give her some kind of clarity on what to do with everything. She had been so obsessed with Penelope that she completely forgot about Finch and it was clear that she more than over with her and she had heard about Jed and Finch and she was happy about that she just hoped she could find someone as well.

Penelope was probably the most scared one because the box knew all of the secrets and it would go in your mind to create a space and considering it was her first time she just hopes she does not spill too much about her time away.

MG was hoping that it would tell him what he did not want to know he was hoping that it would tell him what he had been having trouble accepting. 

Ethan was pretty excited because it was his first time and he was always up for some good old superhero magical stuff he was new so it had not gotten the danger of it just yet but he was definitely tied with Josie on the level of excitement.

All 6 of them assembled in the basketball court as Rebekah mentioned them to be there in the morning at 7 am sharp and to say that all of them were tired and exhausted was very true.

Rebekah and Marcel were already there as Lizzie walked in 5 minutes late. Hope was done she thought that Lizzie overreacted with the whole parade and her mom thing.

"So she gets to walk in at 7:06 am and we r here sine 6:30" said Hope

"Relax" said Josie as she put a hand on her knee and Hope crossed her arms on her chest.

"Just please I need coffee I had a late night" said Lizzie as she sat down the furthest away from Hope and Josie 

"Okay everyone let's start before we have a whole darn cat fight at our hands." said Rebekah as she clapped her hands and Marcel got up.

"Okay so listen up, all of you will be sent in and this therapy box settings have been set so you will see things, situations and relationships you don't want in your life, so basically it will tell you what not you want and you can only win it if you figure out you Do want, but it might not consciously effect you and you may be in denial but at least deep down you will know what you want and then you can work towards it" said Marcel while he walked to and fro.

"Yeah and this will be emotionally exhausted just remember not to give up and keep fighting" said Rebekah.

"Yeah and all the best any questions" said Marcel

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