22. Valentines

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So this is like a filler chapter so just hang with me but this is important for the whole progress of the relationships so this is important and needed. Also thank you so so so so much for 100+ vote I can not tell you how thankful I am for all the love you all have been giving to this story. 

Now let us begin.

Feb 14 2030

Today was the day of love, today was like a proud moment for all of the people in relationships as today was a day to not be single. As per for all of the single people today was like a harsh reminder of how they still were not with anyone.

Valentines day is knows to be the day when St. Valentine years ago was stuck in a storm where he found a wood which had a heart carved on it and a stone in the shape of a heart which what we now call as Valentines day.

It is simple to say that Valentines day is a joke which is carved from a joke and is useless but for some reason everyone still celebrates it, I can tell you that the miracle child had similar thoughts on Valentines day.

She never understood how could you love someone more than you family and she still had not understand the need to have a relationship. Lizzie on the other hand used to utilize this of an chance of some sort. 

Josie loves love but she does not exactly have a love as of right now, she usually had someone she loved but not this time. Penelope used to hate seeing sappy couples lined up trying to be cute when everyone knew just how fake it was, for Penelope it was a fake myth.

For MG and Ethan it was like any other day, they were the ones who actually did not care.

So today Lizzie and Hope woke up with quite different moods, Lizzie was pumped and Hope was gonna sit down and figure out how the hell did Kathrine get in Malivore in the first place. 

But things were still pretty smooth with them as after that night they had grown closer and they had hardly fought through the week and both of them were fairly happy with each other right.

When Hope woke up she saw Lizzie wearing her red earphones because of her obsession of red by Taylor Swift, Hope had heard that album more times than a lullaby, so it was understood how much she was tired by it and how annoying she found it. So she walked down the stairs in her suite.

"What are you listening at 8 in the morning?" said Hope

"I am listening to Sunflower Vol6 by Harry Styles" said Lizzie

"I thought you were obsessed with taylor Swift." said Hope as she saw Lizzie basically stuffing a sandwich in her mouth and could not help but smile on how cute Hope thought Lizzie looked.

"What?" said Lizzie with her mouth full and Hope could barely understand her but she giggled.

"Nothing" said Hope

"Shhhh I knew you were trouble is starting I like this song" said Lizzie

"Okay well I am gonna order breakfast" said Hope as she walked towards the phone.

"I already ordered you beignets and they are at the study table I thought you might want to work today" said Lizzie as she turned to tell Hope but then turned back to her work of sandwich eating.

"Okay thanks and also did you add" said Hope

"White and red sugar on top" said both of them together as Lizzie mocked Hope

"Yes Hope I did" said Lizzie with a smirk and Hope just smiled and went on to her food.

Like this while Hope and Lizzie were talking and all Josie walked in and said, "Hey I was hoping if Hope you wanted to work with me at the whole Kathrine thing?" 

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