30. The Baddest Bitch

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Okay guys this chapter is gonna be pretty different than the others I have been planning this for a long time and It is finally here. I am having a writer's block so I am gonna post my next chapter on 1st Jan so there will be a small break and I have decided that the pic will end around the end of Jan because that is when we get the new episode so once my story finishes the legacies episodes can keep you enteretained. also in this chapter everyone in the og squad is already here and Kathrine is finally going to make an entrance.

APRIL 16TH 2030

Today had been about a week since Kathrine ripped out Cleo and Jed's heart and handed it to their loved ones.

Everyone was scared knowing that Kathrine could strike anytime, anywhere and to anyone. The school was on full security mode, there had been spells put, boundaries added and traps set to catch Kathrine.

Rebekah, Marcel, Kol, Davina, Damon, Elena and Bonnie were the part of the originals squad that had been back for this. As much as Caroline wanted to come back she knew she could not as she was tracking Kathrine with Freya and Keelin back in New Orleans.

Hope was scared as hell, she knew that the next heart that Kathrine held in her hands could be of hers. But that was not even the worst, she was worried that she would hurt someone else she loved and she could not lose that person.

Meanwhile, Lizzie was trying to be in denial of everything trying to act as if this was a daily problem but deep down she knew it was not and she was worried about her getting hurt or even worse dying in front of Lizzie's eyes as Kathrine held her heart in her.

Josie was calm in this situation. She had been trying to find more and more spells and work on much better protection. She knew that Kathrine was a human or vampire but she was not a witch so she could not break that protection that Josie could provide with her magic. She did have to dive into dark magic a few times but she kept it in control not going too far. But she was doing this all for one person.

Penelope was scared for the first time in her life, not for herself but for Josie. Even through all of her tries at the end of the day it came down to Josie for her. She was probably the only one in the squad that had her feelings clear about a person.

Mg was trying to keep up the spirits and make sure no one lost hope because he knew that of there was no hope they would lose the battle before it even begins and Mg did not want that. Even though he was worried and scared inside he could not show it outside.

Ethan knew that Mg was hurting inside he helped Mg whenever he could and he made sure that he was okay in the middle of this whole mess. He did not mean to overstep either so he just asked how he was once in a while and just checked up on every now and then to make sure he was okay.

Overall the school was in deep trouble and everyone knew that. They had made schedules for watching and everyone had a few hours so they could rest and work in the rest of the hours. At night usually Damon and Marcel were awake while everyone else had morning shifts, all though no one really slept the past week. 

Hope and Lizzie had been trying to sleep together in the bed. Both of them used to lay down but neither of them was really able to sleep and Hope was a vampire so sleep was not needed for her but for Lizzie it was very important as she was a witch.

Like everyday both of them were laying in Lizzie's room with their feet tangles and their hands brushing each others as Hope had taken a few sleeping pills to go to sleep.

But as she woke up from a nightmare she controlled herself to not shout but she saw Lizzie by her side, sleeping peacefully. Hope saw the time and it was 7 am. Their shift was going to begin in some time but they still had time.

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