10. How can I forget?

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Thank you so much for 500+ reads I really appreciate it and also please comment who do you like Damon as the father figure of the most?

OCT 20 2029

Josie got up this day happy but sad at the same time, she was happy that Damon and Elena were here, here friendship with Hope had improved and that she had been consistent with school recently but at the same time she was sad that her mother was gone, her sister and her were fighting and that she still had the whole Penelope and Finch drama.

Then she decided that the cons are more serious so it was not really a very good day for Josie especially because of the whole Penelope and Finch thing.

Josie got up and tiptoed her way to the bathroom because she did not want to wake Finch up. When she reached the bathroom she grabbed her phone and texted hope.

Josie: Hey hope you up?

Hope: Yeah

Josie: Can we attend classes together today I do not want to crash with Finch or Josie

Hope: Sure I do not want to crash with Lizzie today as well

Josie: Great then :)

Hope: :)

She closed her phone and took a shower and washed her hair, after all of this today she picked a skirt with a shirt and some shoes to go with it. Her goal for the day was to ignore everyone but herself today and for one day she was gonna prefer herself.

Meanwhile Hope had just got ready when she texted Josie it was obvious that Lizzie was sleeping and Hope being Hope decided not to disturb her.

Again, the past week with Hope and Lizzie had been pretty rocky they had a few fights on Lizzie's diet which was better but still not good enough. Not to mention the small food fight yesterday which started out fun but ended in detention and what not. But overall Hope did not want to crash into Lizzie today.

Whereas, Hope's relation with Damon and Elena had shown significant growth, she felt like family around them and she usually used to go and have a talk or two with them once the classes were over.

Damon was like the fun uncle to Hope whereas Elena was more like the strict aunt who is always scolding the fun uncle because we went out of lines and Hope missed that, she missed having a family, someone to fight for and with. 

Lizzie was kind of mad at Hope so Hope just left a note under the door of Lizzie telling her to eat her food. Hope like everyday had already ordered the food and made a spell that did not allow Lizzie to leave until she had not had at least one bit of it. Trust me Lizzie was very mad when she found out Hope had done that.

Once both Hope and Josie got ready both of them met in the study hall. Both of them were ready with their books to attend the classes and considering they were topper students it was never much of a task to attend classes so they were sure they could chat a little in the middle while the teacher was not looking.

Both of them attended their first class in utter silence as the teacher took a pop quiz, we all love those do not we? But the second class was something they knew they could chill in. It was American non magical history. As they had to attend normal subjects as well to compete in school competitions they could not just study magic, so they sat in the class, Hope and Josie were sitting together.

"The teacher is here" nudged Josie to Hope

"I can see that I have eyes you know" said Hope

"This is all that I needed all that I needed was you to distract me from my crazy love life that I still have no idea what to do with." said Josie

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