16. Work-Mas

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Sorry for the late update!!

December 25th

Today was one of the most glorious years in forever, who did not love christmas? It was obvious that most people in the world would be celebrating it with the winter season except Australia of course because they would be celebrating it in the summer.

But, the Salvatore Boarding school was a category in itself, while the whole world was busy celebrating Christmas I doubt that they even knew it was Christmas. The halls were empty again because most people had gone home for Christmas, like the usual that people do well everyone except, Penelope, Josie, Lizzie, MG, Ethan, Hope, Finch, Jed and obviously Marcel and Rebekah.

Everyone was in a tense mood instead of the usual Happy and Jolly even merry mood, the last few Christmas's had been disastrous but it does not mean that this one has to be as well.

All of them except Lizzie had not showered for like a few days and all of them were putting all of their heads to figure out what the hell Malivore had done. It was true that Malivore was haunting them from even beyond the grave, which is something they did not think of. 

Either ways, everyone was tense at Christmas and it was difficult for them all.

All of them were sitting in study hall, and like daily Marcel and Rebekah made a small announcement to tell the update on the recent events and and how much they have figured out and what all they have to do now.

So Marcel got on the platform at the Study hall and said, "Okay everyone so listen up" as everyone turned towards Marcel so they could hear him.

Lizzie and Josie were sitting together as they had recently made up and Penelope was sitting with Ethan near the window corner and Hope was sitting right in front of the bookshelf while MG and Finch and Jed were sitting in the table towards the middle.

"So, till now all we have figured out is that it took him the power of 9 supernatural creatures to make him weak while Hope killed him, we also figured out yesterday thanks to Josie that the red lightning during Hope's transition to a fully activated trbrid as a vampire witch and werewolf was weird as it was not supposed to happen, so the best guess is that Malivore was the reason that light was caused now we just need to figure out what to do with this information." said Marcel.

Everyone looked at each other not sure what to say or how to reply as the things had not been the best at the school.

"Now, for the groups that will continue the research will be, Hope and Josie handling all the books in here, Lizzie and Penelope to try the net and see if we missed something, Mg and Ethan to search the whole magical loophole classroom and it's books just to make sure everything we have figured out this far is right and Finch and Jed to brainstorm what could have possible taken so much energy." said Marcel.

"But haven't we been doing this since like forever? I mean this is exactly what we have been doing for the past week or something I do not even know what day today is" said Finch

"Yeah but we need to make sure we did not miss something" said Rebekah backing Marcel up.

"So now all of you can do your respective things and me and Rebekah will be here working on the bookshelf and all the books and all." said Marcel as he stepped down from the small stage and everyone went to their respective place to work on their topics. It was obvious that all of them were tired. 

Hope and Josie got a head start as they had to work in the exact same hall so it was not like they had anywhere to go or something like that.

So Josie just went ahead and moved some of the work that she had been doing to Hope's table who was clearly tensed. She still did not understand how triad was mixed up in all of this.

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