17. A New Year

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Yes this is the new year chapter and yes I am very excited this is gonna be more laid back and more usual teen stuff rather than the magical ones. Also Hope and Lizzie and Penelope and Josie are still not on good terms.

31st December 2029 and 1st December 2030

Today was the last day of a pretty shitty year, saying that Hope was relieved was an understatement she was pretty much nothing and relieved. Hope was not satisfied as this New Year she has broken many friendships and done various wrong things like turning off her humanity.

She had moved passed many things in her life including the death of her parents, family, friends, and boyfriend. She still felt like a bigger evil, bigger pain was always awaiting her. 

Well, she thought she found that pain when she woke up to Lizzie and Penelope dancing like hell on the table in the dining room with Kill My Mind by Louis Tomlinson playing. Hope was too annoyed by them, she loved the song and the artist but she felt like waking up to two teenagers dancing on a table to some very loud music is never exactly Pleasant.

Ether ways Hope got out of bed with all of her power and walked outside her room to see Lizzie and Penelope dancing like they are at a frat party.

Hope vamped her way towards the stereo and stopped the music.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" said Hope

"Well, it is new year's and unlike you I want to enjoy it" said Lizzie

"Yeah and it is not like we are doing something illegal" said Penelope as Hope noticed alcohol bottles behind her.

"Well, underage drinking does sound like a crime to me" said Hope

"Oh come on do not act like you have never had a drink, we haven't even opened it yet we are waiting for the right time " said Lizzie as she pointed how the cork of the bottles was still intact.

"Well it still does not make my ears stop from ringing due to the music" said Hope

"Well, do you not like Louis Tomlinson?" said Penelope

"I love him, but I do not love waking up to Kill my mind at what time ?" said Hope not knowing what the time was

"Well, it is 12:30 so about 11 and half hours left to go in this year" said Lizzie

"Well I have to go but just don't drink too much I do not want both of you drunk at midnight so bye and be careful" said Hope as she opened the door

"Don't worry about us" said Lizzie

"I wish I could not" said Hope closing the door and going out of the room leaving Penelope and Lizzie in the room.

Then Hope had plans for breakfast with Marcel and Rebekah but obviously it was not like she e could have breakfast now so she went to the office hoping to have lunch or a talk.

Hope walked down the aisle of the office knowing that she will have to face Rebekah, things were not good from Hope's side as she literally sent her in a box so it was obvious that things would be awkward between them.

Hope walked in and said, "Hi, am I too late" 

"Just a tad but come on in it is fine, we can have lunch" said Marcel

"Well, yeah" said Hope as she sat down.

Rebekah was sitting to her right and Marcel was sitting in front of both of them.

"First thing is that we need to fix what this is going on" said Marcel as he put his hands on the desk looking towards Rebekah and me.

"Hope, I know you feel weird around me because you feel bad of what you did to me but It honestly does not matter because deep down I knew you did not mean to and you humanity was off no one can blame anything you do at that time on you when you humanity is on" said Rebekah.

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