"I wish. Look, I don't have a necklace. Damon's got it somewhere. Text me, and I'll call you back" I said, hanging up

"Y/n..." started Jeremy

"Look, Anna, I'm sorry, but you need to go. The supernaturals being here is dangerous, it's against nature. It's good to see you again, but I'm sorry" I said

"It's fine. Thanks for saying it in a kind way" she said

I smiled "Ofc" Anna then disappeared

"Look, Y/n. Please, you can't tell Bonnie" said Jeremy

"I won't, but just...don't cheat again" I said, and I got out of the bathroom

"Looks like today was a good day to be thinking about me, Y/n" said Lexi, coming in

I smiled, "Oh my God! Lexi! You're here!" I said

She smiled "Mm-hmm, come with me", I nodded, and followed her


We tied Stefan to a chair, and walked into the room he was in. 

"Klaus really did a number on him, huh?" asked Lexi

"He was compelled to do whatever Klaus wishes. And one of them were saying buh bye to a humanity" I said

"Well, we are just going to have to convince him to turn it back on. I have to warn you, it's not going to be pretty" said Lexi

"Whatever it takes, I can handle it" I said

"Wake up, sleepy head" said Lexi, as Stefan woke up "How you feelin?"

Stefan struggled to get out "What is this? Let me out of here!"

"Shh, inside voices, please. I'm trying to get inside your head" said Lexi

Stefan looked at me, and chuckled "Y/n. Get rid of her, please"

"Hmm, yeah. How-- how about you get out Lexi, I think he's goo--nice try" I said

Lexi laughed "First step, drying him out. Starve away the bloodlust. Strip away the temptation"

Stefan chuckled "This isn't going to work, Lexi. You can't do this"

"You heard the not pretty part?" asked Lexi

"Yeah" I said, Lexi bent down, and stared at Stefan

"What are you doing?" asked Stefan, then Stefan started to groan, he started to turn gray. He groaned "What are you doing, Lexi?!"

"I'm doing what I do best, sweetness. I'm saving your life" she said

He groaned "I'm starving. I'm starving! I'm starving, let me out! Please, let me out!" begged Stefan

Lexi was making him think that he had gone months, years, ages without being fed

He had gotten to 5 years without feeding "Did I ever tell you, how glad I am that you're dead?"

"Aww, I missed you too, friend" said Lexi, she's so sweet! I got a phone call

"I'm sorry, it's Caroline, I gotta take this" I said, Lexi nodded

"So the necklace isn't where Damon said it would be and now we can't reach Damon" said Caroline 

"Look, I need you to tell Bonnie to take it slow on sending back the ghosts, I really need help getting Stefan's humanity back" I said

"What? Ok, let's just find the necklace first, then we'll talk about boyfriend and ghost dramas" said Caroline

I then hung up, and went back to Stefan 

"Y/n...Y/n, I'm hurting, please, help me" said Stefan

"Sorry, Stefan. We have to do this. If you want us to stop, ya know, just....flip the switch" I said

"I'll do anything, I'll change, I promise" he said

"Lies" I said

"Y/n, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, just make it stop. Please, just make it stop" said Stefan 

"I'm sorry, Stefan. I can't" I said

"Hey, look at me. Look at me, Y/n, I love you, ok? I love you. I love you so much. I love you so much, Y/n" he said

"I'm sorry, Stefan. I love you too, but we have to do this" I said

"You know what? I don't want your help, anyway. I wish I'd never met you. Every single moment that I've spent with you has been a complete total waste" he said

"Ouch. I'll remind you these words" I said

Lexi then started to explain what the next step was

"Yeah, Lexi. I know. I've heard you explain before" I chuckled

"Right" she smiled

"I WILL RIP YOU APART, LEXI!" screamed Stefan

"You can't, I'm already dead" she said, before she continued to stab Stefan

"Sorry, Lexi. I gotta go, I meet Jeremy at this scene" I said

She nodded, and I sped upstairs, to see sirens. And people carrying bodies, and then I met Jeremy. 

"I remember this scene. Anna has the necklace. Look, Jer, I know that you were so excited to see her again, to feel her, to be able to kiss her, but what about Bonnie? I get that you love her, and I do too she's one of my good friends, but she needs to go, I'm sorry" I said, then I looked at Anna, she was holding up the necklace

"She's right. I'm holding your life back from you, I'm sorry" she said

"Anna, I'm sorry. I hate hearing those come out of your mouth" I said

"It's ok. You're a good friend, Y/n" said Anna

I smiled "Let Bonnie know we have the necklace. Get her to send the ghosts away, please" I told Jeremy "Goodbye, Anna" I said

Anna smiled and waved


I was now back downstairs with Lexi

"You know, you say that every time. Until I make you feel again" said Lexi, stabbing him again

"You wasted your whole life taking care of me. Now you're dead and you still have nothing better to do" said Stefan 

"We're running out of time. Bonnie is closing the door to the other side" I said

"You've got to get me more" said Lexi

"I'm sorry, I can't" I said

"No! No--not until I break through" said Lexi

"Lexi, his humanity gets turned on again, I don't remember how, but it does. You can just let the plot lead. They have the necklace, the ghosts are about to go" I said

"The necklace. OK, at least tell me you remember how you felt about that. You found it during your darkest time. And you said, when you made it through, that necklace represented hope" Lexi told Stefan

"Ironic, then, that it's about to be blown to pieces" said Stefan

Then there were sounds, Lexi sighed "He's still in there, Y/n. You just have to break through" 

"Thanks for your help, Lexi. It was nice seeing you" I said

Lexi smiled, then left

"So what are you gonna do, Y/n?" asked Stefan

"I could easily compel you to turn it on. But that would be breaking the rules" I said

"So, what's the plan?" he asked

"I'm gonna go home. Take care of my family, and be a friend to Caroline and Bonnie. I haven't given up on you, though. I still have hope. And I always will. I love you, Stefan" I said, and left

Stuck In TVD (Stefan Salvatore/Damon Salvatore X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now