C13: Mood Changes

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June 13, 2021 || 4:00PM

"I wanna go home"

"No! Don't you ever go back home! You little shit!!"

"My Mom will get mad!"

"She won't be since you're here!"

"Ughh, it's boring!!"

"Let's play overwatch then"

"I'm done with that game"

"Pleaseeeeee!!! Have mercy on your little sistah!"

"NE VUH!!!!!"


"What the hell are you two doing?", Your mother opens your door in your room, just to see you and Renjun shouting and acting. As you and Renjun stand up as if nothing happened.

"Nothing Mom", Both you and Renjun said in synch, as the both of you laughs after. You mother sighs and suddenly gestures someone to come in, you and renjun tilt both of your head.

"So uhm, this is Haechan. He'll be transferring on your school this week, so... I want three of you to be friends", Your mother soon then leaves, as the boy who got introduced by your mom makes his way in the room and closing the door.

You scratch your head and turn your head to Renjun, Renjun also looks at you, whispering, "I need to go now Y/N".

You glare at him and whisper back, "Don't even try to leave me with this kid!", You furrow your eyebrow as Renjun shrugs and starts walking away.

Haechan gave a single wave bye-bye to Renjun as if they are already close, as Renjun ignores Haechan and just looks at you before leaving, him leaving you literally glared at him.

You don't wanna be with this... Haechan guy, he seems to be a bully. Even though... Mark told you to take care of him. What a cruel life you have.

• • • • • •

You and Haechan alone in the room have been dead silent, you're just sitting upright on your bed while facing your cellphone, scrolling around your apps, you don't really know what to do. You can feel Haechan's stares at you but you just avoid it. He sure is a weirdo you thought, but he's close with your cousins... whatever.

"Park... Y/N.. Right?", Haechan questions to you, as you nodded and immediately look away from him. Not really wanting to start a conversation with him. "Are these beads? Woah. Classic Y/N never change", Haechan mumbles the last part. As you look at him, he's suddenly starting to look around your treasure box that has important bracelets in it.

You stood up and sit right next to him, wanting to stop him from touching your stuffs, but you notice yourself being too mean to him. You just met him yesterday, why would you be so mean to him?  You then just stand there looking at him playing with the bracelets you made with those beads.

You actually have this hobby on making bracelets, necklace or anything out of beads. Back then you made friendship bracelets with Heeji, Haeyoung and... Yoona. The twobHeeji and Haeyoung seems to be keeping it still while Yoona... You don't know at all, something about both your history with her is hard to explain to yourself or anyone.

"This design is weird", Haechan shows you a rainbow bracelets, you chuckled and nodded.

"I agree. I was just too bored and depressed that i didn't know i got to make a rainbrow plain bracelet", You giggled as he chuckles.

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