C8: Locked gaze

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June 11, 2021 || 7:34AM

You, chenle and Jisung are now running to the shool entrance, as the three of you continuously run inside the school.

The three of you stopped at the hallways near the lockers, the three of you took a deep breath, jisung lays his back on the wall while Chenle didn't care about anything and just rest his whole body on the ground while your there sitting on the chair that you found.

"I win" You smirked at the two young males, making the two younger males groan in annoyance.



"Too energetic

"Cut your legs off

If onl-"

"Cut that crap jisung" Chenle interrupts Jisung from mumbling, jisung rolls his eyes and crossed his arms. Chenle turns his head to you, "So... You win...".

You laughed and then smiled proudly, "Chenle went last!!" You pointed at chenle teasing him, chenle dramatically cries while laughing at the same time.

"So glad that i went second, because my mother would be mad at me spending too much money to the two idiotic noona and Hyung" Jisung stated, as he rolls his eyes. You and Chenle look at Jisung with a shock expression.

"How dare you!!"


"So, after school? Let's hang out? Chenle's treatt?~"

"Yup, he looks totally unbothered by it"


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

You are in your classroom right now sitting on your seat, listening to the teacher speaking not until-

"Psst" You turned your head to the back and saw Renjun smiling at you.


"Can you please pass this paper to Jaemin?" Renjun asks softly as he hands you the paper. You got confuse and thought 'Why me?' but of course you passed the paper to Jaemin just like what Renjun asked you to do.

After passing the paper, jaemin of course got it and turns his head to Renjun.

"What the hell is this???" Jaemin whispers while Raising a brow to Renjun. Renjun can't control it as he laughs.

The teacher heards someone laugh, she turned around facing the students, "Focus Class".

"Yes ma'am" Everyone tells in synch. The teacher then turned around continuing her lesson.

You look back at Renjun the look at Jaemin who seems to be trying not to laugh, you were pretty much confused.

'I wonder what's in that paper'

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"vleehh busee jwaa bleeehhhhh kskskskks"
Haeyoung who has been bored the whole lunch time keeps on making weird noises just because boredom hits her. Making the other girl push Haeyoung away from her, obviously getting annoyed by Haeyoung's habbits of being bored.

"Aysh, Haeyoung! Stop itt!! I'm eating! can't you see???" Heeji glares at Haeyoung, Haeyoung laughs lazily which made Heeji groan in annoyance and slap Haeyoung's face.

"Owwwhhh, you slapped my cutie bubby wubby cheeks :'<" Haeyoung puts her palms on her cheeks where Heeji slapped her, while pouting looking at Heeji, Heeji rolls her eyes and just continued eating.

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