After that a great feast was held; in which Charlotte's husband and father made peace, and the couple and servants entertained the guests with the story of how this marvelous day came to be. Everyone laughed and cried. Everyone that is except for Helsa.

"It isn't fair." She sneered as she watched the newly weds share their first drink. "I lose my husband and my right to a fortune while she marries into royalty! This is injustice!"

"To the contrary my dear shrew." Baxter said. "I believe that this is justice in it's truest form. For you see, the grandest rewards tend to come to those who are loving and humble."

"Yoo-hoo! Baxter!" Niffty called him over from the center of the dance hall. "You promised me the next dance."

"Speaking of grand rewards." Baxter straightened his jacket and hair. "Here's mine."

He approached her giddily and placed a kiss on her hand.

"Sorry to keep you waiting sweetheart. Let me make it up to you."

"Oh? How?" Niffty asked with a giggle.

"Well I assume that tonight your employer will have no need of your services so why don't I pack a picnic basket with my best wine, we'll walk down to the beach, I'll spread a blanket on the sand and underneath the stars. I'll take you into my arms and-"

Niffty swooned right into his arms.

"Honey are you alright?" He asked her concerned.

"I'm in Heaven." She sighed dreamily.

"Oh please." Helsa almost gagged. "She can't really like the idea of him actually touching her."

"Oh Helsa." Charlotte said approaching her warmly. "Don't be so blind to real love and goodness. Dear sister, give up your jealousy and hate. Open your heart and my happiness can be your own."

"I don't need your pity." She snapped. "I can find happiness on my own."

"Well if that's the way you want it. So be it." Rosie interjected. "If you're going to have a heart of stone then I'll give you a body to match it."

"What are you talking about?" Helsa asked.

"I think that you would make a fine statue to put in the garden. Perhaps right where the birds are."

"Oh Roise don't do that." Charlotte pleaded. "Please, I know Helsa's behavior is inexcusable but I don't want her reduced to a inanimate rock."

"Very well." Roise huffed in disappointment. She then turned to Helsa. "Congratulations you miserable wretch, your sister still loves you. Why? I don't know. But because of that love I shall be more lenient with your punishment."

"You punish me?" Helsa almost laughed. "And just how are you going to punish me, you old crone?"

"Old crone huh?" Rosie thought for moment. "Yes I think that would be perfect for you."

With a flick of her wrist, Roise cast a spell that transformed Helsa into an entirely different looking being. Her black hair turned grey, her smooth skin wrinkled, her delicate fingernails turned long and curled, her teeth crooked, her nose long and bulging, her dress shrouded in rags. All that now remained of the once beautiful Helsa was a shriveled up crone and when she saw her reflection she screeched like a bat.

"Now don't get too upset." Roise said. "This form can be temporary, of course that will be entirely up to you. If you can learn to turn that greed and envy of yours into love and compassion then you'll be restored to your pretty self. If not well...At least you look more distinguished this way."

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