To my Dearest

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Explanations for shortcuts:

Y/N- Your name

H/N- Horse's name



                                                                         Ydris' POV

The world is cruel.

All of them.

Funny how something that should've felt so good could be so painful when the circumstances weren't right. But I guess that's why love was so alluring in the first place. 

I knew the secret was out. So what if they knew. So what if they caught me. So what, so what, so what.

"I am Pandorian,"

Was it better to speak or die?

I didn't think I would have had to ask myself such a question.

But the fact that I didn't even have to speak after all revealed to me that, at least for a moment, I had enjoyed speaking it. And if you happened to pass by at the very moment I was muttering things I wouldn't have dared to show others, I wouldn't have cared. I wouldn't have minded. I would even let you pass judgment too if you wanted.

Because I am not the only one.

Even if you weren't there for me then, even if there were mountains between us. That sweet look of yours, I would have rather died than face it once I have told you.

Did they regret all the things they said to me?

Did they not remember who I was?

Did they ever think about me?

Yeah, that last one was wishful thinking.

But inferno, I have never stopped thinking about them.

You and I, Y/N- together? We could have been unstoppable.

Please never forget that the sun rose and set with your smile. At least for me, it did.

I valued you more than I thought you knew. I have realised you were one of the reasons I kept going, even if everything we cherished turned to dust because of something you became a part of. You could pretty much have asked me for anything, and I would give it to you. 

I knew I would have come back for you. And you knew it too.

The circus was empty that day. It was going to be for a while longer.

Was that what they called it? A while? I was trying to get used to the human time phrases.

Forgive me, dear. Forgive me for what I was about to do. Forgive me for what I did.

But I would have fought for you. Only you, only ever you. Twisted as it is, I would have taken you away from all this. 

I loved you, Y/N. I loved you for the rest of my life, just as I promised the day we separated. My heart was yours. 

Please, don't ever give it back to me.

                                                                          Reader's POV

The sound of the leaves among the trees suddenly stopped. A cold, shivering wind blew on the back of your neck and ears like the touch of cold fingers. The whole world seemed unnaturally dark, as if it had been drained of all light.

The portal has been activated.

Alex wiped the tear away from Maya's eye as she looked up at her with a sorrowful look.

She wasn't supposed to be here, but she demanded to be present when Alex passes from this dimension.

"Why do you have to leave?" She whispered to her.

"We have spoken about this before," She replied, caressing her cheek, "You know this has to be done, and I have been picked to go,"

"You might get hurt. I might not see you again. Please stay here," She pleaded.

Alex looked at her with sympathy. Her emotions were over-riding her reasoning at the moment. She would love to turn her emotions off, so Maya could see that she must go.

"Try not to think bad about my mission. I have already been in there before," She tried to explain to her. "This is for the good of humanity. One day, we will no longer be separated from each other. I promise that to you,"

"I know," she said as he wiped another tear away. "I'm letting fear control my emotions. I'm probably just being selfish,"

"Hey honey," She said, cupping her chin. "Don't beat yourself up. I understand your concern, but I also hope you understand why I need to go?"

She nodded her head.

The two of them hugged for a long while, letting their love for each other channel into their touching. The two kissed for seconds more before they released, and he took a couple of steps back.

Linda smiled, trying to lift the atmosphere, "Ready?"

Alex nodded, mounting Tin-Can.

You looked at everyone surrounding you, scanning their faces. Everyone seemed on edge, not knowing what to expect from this operation.

Somehow you didn't get anything you were promised to get, masks or Druids for protection. But, you didn't dare to ask for it at the moment.

"Farewell, Soul Riders," Fripp walked closer, "May Aideen's light be with you wherever you are,"

The gate was large and magnificent, a pink glowing portal in the middle of it, waiting for you to get through.

Hesitantly, Linda stepped up the stairs with the rest of you following her. 

Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and got inside the portal with H/N beneath you. Time stopped, you felt adrenaline moving through your veins. The familiar pull of extra-dimensional travel took over you as the world around you dematerialized, swirled, and reformed into a pink light blinding you.

You blinked a few times, and silhouettes of ground and floating islands reached your view. 

You knew this place. It was too familiar.

"So we don't know where the portal is, do we?" Lisa rubbed her eyes to clear her vision.

"Not in the slightest," Alex chuckled sarcastically.

Linda sighed, "I guess what's left for us is to look around,"

You wondered if anyone noticed how pretty the sky was in Pandoria, how the rosy sky was bright and soft all at once. You wondered if they saw the serenity of the clouds that sailed by, gently passing on toward anyplace they wished to reach.

And yet, the world looked so broken. So alone.

Some way somehow, the growth of something alive, bringing light and hope, was trying to make its way through the stones and cracks of this world. It was as if it was sorting itself out, the creatures living their own lives without any civilization to accompany them. 

Searching for the other Soul Riders, you noticed Linda inspecting each of the plants within reach. The one she was getting to know now was a giant mushroom, shining in gold and crimson shades.

Just as she was about to touch it, someone snickered behind you.

"I wouldn't interfere with that one," A known voice warned.

You turned around and saw him, standing only a few steps away from you.

Your fears have been fulfilled.

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