Failed Attempt

775 27 4

 Explanations for shortcuts:

Y/N- Your name

H/N- Horse's name



 You were standing in the middle of the Druid Paddock, your eyes closed. You could hear tiny bees buzzing around the near bushes peeping through the trees, the rustle of the Silversong river flowing in the vicinity. The trees are laughing once more, dressed in their carnival clothes, the gold, and scarlet of the autumn days. And upon the forest floor so woven with ancient tree roots came a light filtered by the bouquet of foliage above: softened, verdant, and freshly aromatic. In the honeyed light of the afternoon, the grasses appear to have blossomed with flowers of pure sunlight. 

Letting the calmness of a sunny day in Jorvik get into your veins, you took a deep breath, pushing it out with a long sigh. You followed the sensation of your breath as it went in and as it went out. Your breathing was steady because your soul and spirit were thus.

In front of you was a, under other circumstances dangerous, shadow seeker. However, this one was purely harmless. It was patiently waiting for your attack, alert to fight back, but not strong enough to make irreparable damage. Due to being controlled by your Soul Riding coach, Rhiannon, the shadow seeker could not move by its own will.

"Ready?" You listened to Rhiannon ask you, preparing to yield the shadow seeker from the magic that's keeping it at peace.

"Bring it on," The moment you gave her your consent, you could hear an enchanting sound of a spell disappearing. You felt the tension becoming magnanimous as the shadow seeker flew right towards you. 

Your hands started moving just like you were taught. It was the kind of movement that spoke of a mind married perfectly to itself and the world around it, confident, focused, and reverent. Gestures are perhaps the loudest and most honest of ways in which the soul speaks of its true needs.

Your mind wandered to places far away from this world. You thought about the reason you're willing to fight. For the animals, for all of your relatives, for the ones we are so blessed to share our planet with, for those who give you their hearts for always.

Suddenly, all the worst moments somehow surrounded your brain. Those concerns cleaved through everything else you tried to think of. The flash of Elizabeth exploding into the atmosphere, Fripp having almost no chance of survival, the idea of not being able to save the world as a Soul Rider. 

As a result, you lost all focus you had. You quickly opened your eyes, only to see a shadow seeker right before you, about to crash into you. You tried to dodge the outbreak but ended up getting a solid hit into your shoulder, sending you flying a few meters back. You let out a grunt in agony as you landed on the ground.

"Y/N!" Rhiannon worried, making the shadow seeker disappear. "What happened this time?" She asked you as she helped you get on your two feet.

"The same as always," You said as you rolled your shoulder back and forth, trying to get rid of the strain.

"This has happened too many times Y/N, and you know that until the time comes when you improve you will have to keep using the rune wand," Rhiannon warned you.

"I know," You rolled your eyes and dusted off your clothes.

"It will be all for today, try to get some rest," She patted your back and gave you a warm smile. You returned the simper. 

You left the paddock with a lack of satisfaction with yourself. You sincerely wished you could do better on your training, desperately wanting to be able to do magic with your hands and not having to bring that rune wand everywhere with you.

Fated to be Doomed ∣Ydris x reader∣Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα