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Explanations for shortcuts:

Y/N- Your name

H/N- Horse's name

italic- your thoughts/when the reader is in a dream



"Did he have any sort of exceptional object or a weapon with him?" Avalon asked, tapping the table with his quill. 

"No, he didn't," You sighed.

Reporting to the Keepers of Aideen was your most detest time of the week. You helped to show them the invisible walls to gain wider perspectives, to make that perspex wall noticeable and then open it as if it were a sliding door. 

You looked like you were on guard, defensive. This was only a conversation with an exchange of information, but it felt like you were being questioned for committing a crime.

"Alright. Is there anything else you would like to share?" He looked at you from under his hood, as if he was waiting for you to tell the truth. That's, however, what you just did. Or, sort of.

You did not tell them about Puvs, or any other matter that happened after you tried to get Ydris to reveal to you the reason for his presence at Galloper's Keep. There wasn't a particular reason for that, it just felt like telling them would invade your private social life more than it should. 

Ready to say "No", you started overthinking your decision. You were, most of the time, honest. You guessed their suspecting looks and questions started from what you didn't mention, from what you lacked the courage to express. 

You sensed it was time to finally tell the whole truth, not wanting to carry this mess on your shoulders all alone anymore.

"Well," you started cautiously, "there is something that keeps crossing my mind," 

"I'm listening," Avalon shifted back into his writing position.

"I managed to bring one of the pumpkins to life as well," Your gaze aimed at the floor.

Avalon seemed to stop in his track for a second.

You both were there in deep silence. The Druid's eyes moved with the alertness that came from heavy stress, but his hands remained clenched by subconscious demand.

"Come again?"

"I told you that Ydris has those living pumpkins, right?" You rolled your eyes but asked to be sure.

"Yes, you did indeed," Avalon nodded, frowning his eyebrows.

"Well, I too somehow managed to create one," You lifted your head to look at Avalon. He looked at you in disbelief, as if he just saw a ghost.

"Oh come on, I'm not that bad in magic" You tilted your head, letting your shoulders fall.

"No- no it's not that," Avalon laughed awkwardly, "it's just, during all those years as a Druid, I've never in my life heard a spell, from the type of magic that you're learning to use, that brings pumpkins to life,"

"Perhaps because you never had a reason to use it," You snapped. Avalon chuckled at your comment.

"For all one knows," He leaned back in his chair, "regardless, I'm going to look through our spell guides to see if there's any useful information. You're free to leave,"

"Thank you, have a nice day," You turned rapidly. Grabbing your bag from the ground, you rushed to the portal, wanting to leave as soon as possible.

"Y/N," Avalon stood up.

Stopping right before the opening, you moved your head in his direction but didn't say anything. You patiently waited for whatever he wanted to add.

"Please, be careful," He sighed.

You admired the fact that he cared, that he wasn't there for you just for his job to be finished. In a storm, in a wind that howled, people like him were the gentle centre. Every person needs a harbour, a secure attachment of fondness, for without one they are in such ache, so lost, shutting down.

"I will, " You smiled, and left the room through the portal.

As soon as you appeared out of the chamber, you greeted your horse with a gentle cuddle. Even though you could understand H/N's words, he/she wasn't very talkative. You two shared a bond, which contained a silent agreement that there was no need for idle chit-chat. Nonetheless, you shared a conversation from time to time. You understood your horse's personal preferences and respected them.

You mounted your horse and rode home.  Horseback riding was the closest you ever came to dreaming while perfectly awake, apart from the strange daydream you had a while ago, so strong was the sensation of being with a horse was your kind of heaven.

Riding fast, you let the wind blow and whistle its song around your ears, let it bring the sweet memories of times gone and hope for a good ending ahead.

Moorland appeared in your range. The closer you got to the stables, the more civilization started coming out.

"Hey, Y/N!" You heard a friendly and familiar call.

"Justin!" You exclaimed, "Where have you been?"

"I had to pass some papers about a few new horses that arrived recently, you know it," Justin grinned, coming closer.

"Is there something new with the, uh," he stopped, "Keepers of Aideen? Is that what you call it?"

"Nothing interesting, really, " You shrugged your shoulders, lying. You didn't want to get Justin involved in this unexplainable situation, not him. He went through a lot in the past few months. It seemed that for him it was all a bad memory card, that he kept accessing, reminding himself of his past errors over and over. He was your friend, your ally, and you didn't want any more trouble to come his way.

"I'm glad that there are no more difficulties," He smiled.

"Yeah, now go to get some rest, the night is nearing" You dismounted H/N and led him/her to his/her stable.

"Right, good night" Justin waved and continued in his way.

You looked at the sky as you were putting away H/N's saddle. Shivering, you felt a wintry breeze beating against you. Cold sunset stole the sky's stage. Though the land was a flutter of slight fog and drizzle, you could feel the light heat of the last beams of sun shining through the clouds. There was no doubt that winter, an icy serenade, a coolness to bring the warmth within, was soon arriving.
The morning came as if even the clouds had inner grins. The cold weather that seeped through any thin cloth to drain bodies instead pleasures the core of those well wrapped in warm layers of insulated fabrics.

During these chilly morning hours, you were helping dozens of small floating sting fish from Pandoria, that accidentally got stuck in our dimension, get back home.

As you were showing them the direction they should fly in to get to the portal, Rhiannon was watching you a few meters away. She took this issue as an opportunity to improve your Soul Riding abilities. You, however, didn't mind. The floating sting fishes were one of your favourite creatures that you've encountered in Pandoria so far. They were harmless, and even if they were a little confused most of the time, they were adorable.

Unexpectedly, another portal opened and Avalon quickly stepped out of it. You wanted to wave him a 'hello', but he seemed to be in a hurry, so you decided not to bother him.

But, when you looked back at the creatures you were chasing, they were on the other side of the scene. They probably got startled by the sudden Druid's appearance. You sighed and lazily followed them.

"Did you find it?" You heard Rhiannon's voice from afar.

"I did," Avalon answered, sounding anxious. The conversation you were overhearing took your interest, so you carefully slowed down to listen more clearly.

"Oh really? Where?" She wondered about something you did not yet understand. Her voice was faint, barely audible.

"In the Pandorian codex,"

Fated to be Doomed ∣Ydris x reader∣Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant