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Explanations for shortcuts: 

Y/N- Your name

H/N- Horse's name

italic- your thoughts



The room was so silent and still when you had meetings with the Keepers of Aideen. Regardless, there was not a smile that wasn't painted on or an opinion that wasn't so safe as to be completely pointless. It's as if you were colluding in how to have the most un-fun experience of living possible, away from everything that really mattered to all of you.

But, that day it was loud with druids and advisers who bustled in and out, carrying orders and messages. Today there was electricity in the air, the kind that brought anxiety of spirit.

Avalon joined you within ten minutes after he was told what was going on. Clearly dressed in a hurry, his cloth looked unironed and his hood wasn't put on properly. He and Fripp were sitting at one of the long tables with Briar, a druid in training, standing to one side, hurriedly scribbling notes.

Several people were also in the room, including Evergray, Rhiannon and the Soul Riders. You didn't know the others. At first, they surrounded Fripp, arguing over whether the Keepers were under attack, over the best way to fight back, over who was behind the sudden chaos.

Fripp listened to their bickering for one full minute longer than you would have and then said: "Enough. If you have so much to offer, why don't you lead this mission on your own and get to work,"

They all fell silent. Now they were sitting at the table closest to the hearth. Their voices were a low rush, and you could tell they were still arguing, but they had the sense to stay out of his way.

You were clinging to a corner, hoping everyone had forgotten you were there. The tension in the room was palpable, and you would leave if you didn't think it would draw more attention.

"There was no attack yet, " Fripp clarified, "Which is why this meeting was planned last minute, so we can prevent Jorvik from such events,"

Confusion could be heard in the murmurs that arose in the room.

He sighed, "Some of you may recall the matter from a few months ago. An unknown force of magic coming from Nilmer's Highland has been detected by our associates and one of our Soul Riders was sent as a spy," His glance laid upon you.

Some of the druids nodded, most likely to make them seem more intelligent.

"We found the reason for the magic's appearance at last," Fripp announced.

Quietness filled the room. Everyone waited for what was about to happen, but no one knew what it actually was. It was as if you were at a competition, and they decide to torture you with dramatic silence before announcing the winner.

Fripp took a breath.

"Y/N, show us your necklace,"

All eyes were on you. 

You stuttered, "How is my necklace relevant-"

Fripp's fur on his forehead, which was supposed to be eyebrows, furrowed, "Please, proceed to put it on the table,"

Hesitantly, you reached for the jewellery's opening and laid it in front of Fripp.

"This, dear Keepers of Aideen," He motioned to the necklace with his hand, "is a crystal that comes from Pandoria, it radiates the same kind of magic that appeared near the circus. Which, said by our sources, was given to Y/N by her companion that isn't a part of our association,"

"Nonsense!" Avalon spit out, "Only Dark Core has access to Pandoria apart from us,"

"And Pandorians,"

Everyone turned to Evergray, who was leaning against the wall near the entrance. He said he wasn't scared, but you saw his body movements being tighter, his smiles were shorter and silences longer.

"Don't be stupid, Pandorians went extinct decades ago," Alex rolled her eyes. 

"We don't know that for sure," Rhiannon gave you a side-eye as if she was suspecting you of committing a crime.

Evergray chuckled, "I once knew a Pandorian," His eyes aimed at the ground, "He was never a bad guy or a hero, he was just an innocent creature that got caught up in the fate of his own kind," 

"This leads to only one conclusion," Fripp continued, ignoring the druid's comments, "The person who gave Y/N the crystal is either a dark rider," he took a deep breath, "Or a Pandorian,"

Your mouth hung slightly open. 

It all made sense.

Everything finally added up.

His unexplainably good magical abilities. The fact that no one knew the spells he showed you. The way Rhiannon looked terrified when you showed her.

People in the room were looking at you in shock, expecting an explanation.

You glanced between Fripp and the druids.

"I didn't know," You said in a rush, your voice hot with anger that had more to do with Ydris than anyone around you. "Nothing more. I wouldn't betray the Keepers, and I didn't know anything,"

"You already did before," Avalon murmured. 

"Regardless, what we have to do now is close all portals so the potential Pandorian won't escape," Fripp announced.

"We will send the Soul Riders to Pandoria to close one of them and avoid unnecessary conflicts with Dark Core," Rhiannon added, "You will be leaving tomorrow, so I suggest you go rest and prepare for any possible scenario that might happen during your time in the realm,"

"Wait," You blurted out. Fripp and the others turned to you, paying a bit too much attention to what you had to say.

You cleared your throat, "If, completely hypothetically of course, he was actually Pandorian," Hasitatly, you continued, "Why would it be such an issue?"

"If he was Pandorian,"


"Y/N," Avalon looked at you in disbelief, "Are you seriously asking that?"

"Let them be," Linda cut him off, "They are practically new to this kind of stuff, they never had a reason to know,"

"Know what?"

Fripp took a deep breath once again, "There used to be two kinds of magic ruling the world. Ours, and pandorian. However, as time passed by, it was clear that both of these types were a block to each other, meaning one couldn't work correctly if the other was present,"

He looked away as if he was ashamed of what he was about to say.

"Their power was stronger than ours was. If the nation kept existing, Aideen's light would eventually fade away. And so, the Druids made sure the realm wouldn't be in our way no more,"

Your voice was cracky, "So you destroyed a whole dimension?"

"It sounds violent when you put it like that," Alex's forehead wrinkled.

"Because it was violent, Alex," Lisa shrugged.

"If the Pandorians came back, it could cause an end to us," Rhiannon put her hands on the table.

Fripp nodded, "Right. Does anyone have anything to add?"

You stood there as if your shock was nothing, as if you didn't just find out that the Druids committed genocide. 

But if they did, how was Ydris alive? How was he on Earth? 

But it made sense. His anger and disappointment made sense. 

"Then, the meeting is over. Our mission shall begin,"

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