After he was done, Naruto went back down to the kitchen, where Kushina had finished washing the dishes

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After he was done, Naruto went back down to the kitchen, where Kushina had finished washing the dishes. Walking up to her he saw his mother smirk while looking at him. ~Awww doesn't my little Naru-chan look so good~ She said in a teasing tone pinching both of his cheecks.

"Are you trying to impress someone already? You haven't been her for more the twenty-four hours" Naruto blushed at her question. Of course he wasn't trying to impress anybody, even if he was, it was none of her business.

"These are just regular clothes mother, and please don't ever do that in public" Kushina giggled at her son, it was fun to tease him, she realised. "So, do you want to go now? We can visit your dad aswell" There was no reason for Kushina to get dressed, because she already was. Getting a yes from Naruto, she went over to a small dresser standing near the front door and took out her sandals and put them on.

Once she was done, they opened to door and stepped outside. The Namikaze estate was always beutiful. A massive garden and two fountains on each side. Walking over to the gate, Kushina performed a couple of hand seals and pressed her palm against the gate. It softly opened revealing the streets of konoha.

Many bystanders tried to see inside the famous estate, but the gate shut right as the pair walking outside. Naruto didn't like how everyone was staring at him, so he pinched his mothers hand, almost like telling her they need to go. She easily caught on to it and glared at the people who were looking. That did the trick and they started their walk to Minato.

All of the shops were opened, and many of the older shopkeepers were smiling and waving at Kushina, who they knew when she was little. She just waved back, Kushina decided that she won't ignore them, she would be civil. Nothing more, nothing less.

Once they made it to the red house, Kushina and Naruto entered the building, nodding at a few ANBU in the corners of the corridor, they quickly made their way to Minato's office. Knocking on the door they waited for a response. Receiving an enter, Naruto pushed the door open and went inside, not expecting hate to be full of people.

Inside, there was the whole team 7, including Kakashi, who just gave him an eye-smile and went back to reading his por...i mean his book. Sakura smiled and waved at Naruto who return the gesture. Sayuri on the other hand just gave him a glare and turned back to Minato, who looked really happy.

"Naruto, Kushina, i was not expecting to see you" Kushina went over and hugged her husband, then Minato did the same to his son. "Is there anything i can do for you? I was just about to send team 7 on their first C-rank mission."

Naruto looked intrigued at that. Huh, maybe he should tag along, but he promised he would spend time with Kushina. Somehow, almost as if she read what her son was thinking, Kushina said.

"Oh maybe Naruto could go with them, i mean there are only two of the genin, when there are supposed to be three" Naruto looked at his father in anticipation, he really wanted to go. Maybe Kakashi would teach him a new jutsu or something.

Minato looked deep in thought. That wasn't a bad idea, and the guy that orderd the mission didn't seem ok in the head, so Extra Protection wouldn't hurt. He looked at his student, only to see him nod his head.

"Ok, then it's decided. You can go with team 7 on this mission, but only this one. I still haven't evaluated your skill level" Naruto nodded his head enthusiastically. Honestly, even if it is just a C-rank mission, he hasn't hsd any kind of action in weeks. "Bu wait, what is the mission exactly?" Asked Sakura, who didn't look very excited about this.

Before Minato could respond, the door swung open and in came an old looking man with a bottle of sake in his hand, he didn't look very sober, so Naruto pulled out a kunai just in case.

"What is this? I ordered ninja, not a Sakura tree, a broody looking raven, a scarecrow and a blond brat" The man ruddely says pointing at each of the people he named.

Sayuri was about to rip this man's head off, but Minato beat her to it and said "i would appreciate it if you didn't say that about the ninja who are going to be escorting you." The man only shook his head and took another sip of his drink.

"Well, this is Tazuna the bridge builder, and your mission is to escort him back to the Land of Waves"


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