Chapter 73 - Virgil's gone full Circle

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Virigl (PoV)

My prank was pretty immature, totally lame but I, for one, got a good laugh out of it. Damien...not so much. Still it did result in something that I hadn't broke the ice between us. Some times something so stupid can be a reality check. Sitting on the floor shame faced he eventually saw the funny side. Relieved and beyond caring at that point about how foolish he looked, he just sat there as I explained how he had shown up very drunk and very upset about his dad and then decided that as my bed was...THERE he would sleep in it. Goldilocks must have felt the same way. I made sure he knew nothing, absolutely NOTHING happened between us.

Damien stayed the morning, we talked over breakfast, he showered and dressed in the only thing I had that fit, an old dressing gown that belong to James, not that I told him that. We talked some more. For the first time, there were no hidden agendas, neither of us were under the gun because of some deadline, no mating bond was messing with our pheromones. Apparently, I had inadvertently flicked the metaphorical circuit breaker on our long running tragicomedy.

By the time Damien left to go home we were comfortable with each other for the first time in three years. Perhaps not friends yet, but close to it.

Damien's embarrassment was complete when he had to call The PA to come and collect him as he couldn't remember where his car was. It was almost impossible controlling theurge to laugh as I watched Paul park the car, get out and wait to greet his Alpha. I have to give him full marks for control, his expressionless face didn't even twitch as a blushing Damien came rushing out of my building, with me in tow. Damien still wearing an old tartan dressing gown and socks, carrying a bundle of his clothing was a sight. Utterly mortified he did a weird sort of walk of shame to the car and jumped in. He made sure there was zero eye contact between him and The PA. While The PA looked at me over his shoulder with an amused smirk. A total pro as always Paul said nothing.


Virgil (PoV)

The last few weeks have passed uneventfully, which sounds boring but considering the direction my life was heading, it's actually a blessing. I'd had enough drama for a life time.

All my plans are falling into last. Paul and I have started running regularly and Lewis has joined us. My body is almost back to normal, no more pain in my joints and my heart can cope with a hard run. Wolfsbane never again. Our trio have ventured into the park land in our wolf form a few times and I find that it is the only time I truly understand what being a Lycan means and the concept of being a part of a pack. When the three of us run free my soul feels like it will explode, I am in my bliss.

By now the Lycan community know that the Freak back. I'm still shunned nothing has changed much in that regard. I've recognised several faces from my nightmare school days, older no wiser. I've heard the odd mumbled freak as I pass.  When I walk the streets I sometimes sense my fellow Lycan among the humans and they me but we pass without any sign of recognition. That's fine by me. I am a Rogue after all, they all know I have disowned them. Usually Rogues don't hang around their packs territory but I like being an abomination love to hate...the annoying prick that just won't go away. My wolf growls and lets it be known we are no longer a push over. I have roamed the area near my old home but I've never picked up their scent. They must have moved to another part of the city. I have no desire to make contact with them, they are dead to me.

As for Damien, as cruel as it is to say it, the death of Damos has lifted a huge burden off his shoulders. I think being the Alpha will be easier now without his father's interference. Not that Damien would ever think that, he misses his father a great deal.  However, I can be a mean spirited bastard and the old Alpha did try to kill me I'm not sparing him any harsh words. However, I do feel sorry for Damien's mother who is pining away for her mate, she is inconsolable, as all bonded mates are when their other half passes. Another wonderful aspect of the mate bond....yes that is sarcasm. Seeing the poor woman lose the will to live, simply because it's in her DNA reminds me of how much I hate the bond's control over Lycans.

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