Curtain Call

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In the year 2092, monsters have ruled the world since the Dawn of time, their intense history being written in books, used in schools, creating new social classes- evolving in their own ways.
    These different species have advanced from rocks to the hyper technological time period they have now.
    All throughout their evolution, social classes have changed, species wars have ended and started and economies have differed. But one thing has always stayed true.

    Humans were at the bottom.

   Of course, through the ages, the weak species have tried revolt and war against their enslavers... only to be met with the cruel hand of power, and forced back into chains.
    It was the only thing all monsters could agree on. Humans were too weak to exist in their world. It was a wonder they weren't extinct.
  Especially now, hope for humans seemed dim- especially in this city: Las Sangre City, or better known as 'The Red Gold'. This city caught the name from its infamous big time mafias, street gangs, and dense crime rates.

Down, deep in our city of blood shed, sat a theatre, quite old timey themed compared to the massive skyscraper buildings that lit up the dark sky.
     A young woman sat poised perfectly on a plush velvet stool inside said theatre; in the dressing rooms. She stretched her arms... one being flesh and bone, the other being cybernetic. She had grown quite used to the missing arm, since the... incident had happened when she was a young girl (and tech was so refined it didn't feel missing at all). Her mother and her had lived on the streets, once owned by a low end breeder who had abandoned them at the wharehouse that her mother had 'worked' at.
Little Y/N quickly learned not only humans lurked in alley ways... one wrong move... one wrong apple stolen.... One arm bitten clean off. It was a wonder the small, sickly thing had survived. But, humans thrive like cockroaches in the dark if they try hard enough.

    The prosthetic barely even looked like metal now, as it wasnt supposed to. Instead, it resembled fine China with dainty little roses painted across the pale white 'porcelain'. The only metal that could be seen was the reflective silver between the joints.
   That arm was the only reminder of her past street life. The starvation and grime she had experienced for years had toughened her. But I suppose miracles happen to all, and a woman that liked to be called 'Madomoiselle Marie' plucked her and her mother from the streets at the age of 9, cleaning Y/N up and training her into a top market sell of a pet.
   She had taught her submission, music, manners, how to walk, how to talk, how to breath for heavens sake. It was almost more constricting than the streets....

   She faced the mirror, putting on all of the jewelry Marie had told her to put on. Red rubies hanging from her ears and white pearls around her neck. The accessories complimented the deep red and velvet dress that clung tightly to her body, a slit in the side showing off her leg. The lace sleeves were off the shoulder, and luckily the neckline showed little cleavage; as if she wasn't walking eye candy enough.

   This was not the life she desired.

   Not in the slightest.

   But it was the only one she could afford.

   She did not want to sit pretty and play her little songs so that some terrifying, repulsive monster could undress her with its eyes then touch her with sharp claws. She did not want to be a toy, a plaything, a pet. Yet it seemed there was no other choice she had. Even the streets were out of the question, she was worth too much to Marie to be let go without a hefty amount of money in her hands....

    The door to the dressing room opened, Y/N's eyes seeing it from the mirror.
Speak of the devil...
    Marie walked into the room, her appearance demanding attention, as always.

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