Part 1: C h a p t e r 1

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"Fuck!" I screamed in fear.

He was gonna be home any minute now. I didn't think the nurse would take so long to stitch me up. I haven't cleaned the house and I didn't make any food.

Lord have mercy let's all pray.

I don't suppose he could be angry and drunk? Shit. I hear his keys making noise outside the door.

"Challan! Bitch come clean this house." I heard him say from the living room.

I slowly walked out of the bedroom to see him sitting on the couch. He absolutely reeks of alcohol. Beer and whiskey. I'll have to wash the cushions tomorrow.

If I last the night in here.

"Come here." He said in a raspy voice.

Fuck no.

I quickly walked over to where he was sitting and bent down. He grabbed a handful of my hair and started yelling in my face.

All this bullshit about respecting him and loving him. I swear he's like off a perc or something.

"I'm tired of telling you, I expect a home cooked meal every night." He said.

I am so sick and tired of this. I wanna tell him to stick it where the sun doesn't shine but I can't.

'Cause if he expects a home cooked meal I don't know what that has to do with me.

"Apparently my food tastes like ass anyways so why do you eat it?" I immediately regretted it.

I hate being bossed around. I know it'll end up with him beating on me but it pisses me the fuck off when he treats me the way he does.

That ended with me getting my face getting slammed into a wall and my legs getting stomped on. I feel numb.

"Isaiah what the fuck? I need my legs to fucking walk!" I screamed in pain.

He looked at me in disgust and walked away. My guess is to the bedroom. I layed there groaning with tears streaming down my face. I had already blacked out twice.

He didn't even make an effort to help me up or ask if I was okay. He never does anyways.

It felt like I was on the floor for hours. I don't even have energy to finish cooking or to eat. My body ached all over.

I slowly limped to the kitchen and turned off the stove. I then made my way to the bedroom. I peaked my head in before walking in and seen Isaiah completely passed out. Snoring and all.

I guess it's now or never. I have to let go.

I tried to quietly pack a duffel bag with essential stuff. Clothes, socks, deodorant, soap etc. I got my hoodie and shoes on and took off, never looking back.

Once I was out of the apartment I took off running. I could barely walk on one foot but I had to get out of here. It's for my own good.

It wouldn't be the first time I've tried to get away. He always ended up finding me. Not this time. It'll be different.

I started slowing down when I thought I was far enough and made my way into a convenience store. I didn't take food or water because I didn't have time.

I mostly took clothes for obvious reasons. I picked up a couple bottles of water, an energy drink, a bag of chips and a chocolate bar.

There's no way I could've forgotten to take the money I've been saving up for months. This plan took time. With my hands full with stuff, I begin to get my wallet out.

Only to end up dropping every last thing.

I seriously don't have time for this shit.

As I bent down to pick up my stuff, this guy started helping me.

He was hella tall. I hate people that are tall for no reason at all. He had nice curls with a fade, strong masculine facial features, some sexy ass lips and he smelled really nice. He also had tattoos all over.

He's so fineee.

Like this man has to be wearing the most expensive men's perfume ever mixed with the smell of weed. My favourite.

Isaiah could never. That dumbass just smells like cigarettes. This guy looked a little sketchy because he didn't smile or anything. But he looked fascinated with me.

He had a resting bitch face but for guys. It's still nice he helped me.

"Thank you." I said barely above a whisper. I couldn't really talk because you know I'm in pain.

I'm like 99% sure I broke something but I'll have to get that checked out tomorrow.

He looked at my face and his expression changed from nonchalant to confused and curious maybe?

"What happened, you good?" He asked after placing my stuff on the counter.

"Yup!" I said.

I didn't even have a chance to look at my face before leaving but I bet I look like a fool. I know he doesn't buy that I'm 'good' but that's none of his business.

After all my stuff was on the counter, I took out my wallet and pulled out a $20. The guy attempted to pay for everything but I told him I was fine.

He walked out before me and I began eating my chips. I walked behind the convenience store for some peace and quiet. It was dark outside and this neighbourhood is clearly sketchy as hell.

I gotta hurry up.

As I'm walking back towards the front of the store, a red bmw slowly drives up beside me. I told y'all this neighbourhood was shady.

The driver rolls down the window and I notice it's the guy from the store. What is his problem with me? I swear he better not be one of Isaiah's friends tryna bring me back to him.

"You need a ride somewhere?" He asked in a deep ass voice.

Shit if he tries something imma have to pop his ass but a ride would be good right now considering my legs are in so much pain.

I hop into the passengers seat and put my bags in between my legs. He begins driving.

The interior of the car is so nice. The seats are black shiny leather and it kinda smells like peppermint. He also has this black furry steering wheel cover. He wanna be bougie so bad lol.

I also have one like that around my steering wheel. Not gonna lie it's hella warm.

"Where I gotta drop you off?"

His little hood accent is cute.

"Anywhere on the side of the road to be honest." I said.

I started tearing up because I know damn well I don't know where I'm sleeping tonight.

"You playing with me?" He asked.

"Nah I'm forreal. I don't have anywhere to go."

He pulled over and stopped the car. Lord I can't handle another beating tonight.

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