"Are you safe, though?"

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He pushes her on the bed, straddling her petite frame with his muscular one.

"I've got nothing but good intentions."

She smiles, fragile like a snowflake over the bloody bedspread. He loves to see her defenceless and open underneath him. She knows it.

Her crown slips down the bed, rolling away into uncared territories. He throws away her cardigan and pushes his fingers through her shirt buttons.

Popping them without concern as they attacked the random directions like knights gone rouge.

He marches ahead of his knights clad in a business suit with his head held high. His pet panther majestically strolls beside him, making bystanders cower in his presence.

A hair tie dangles between his teeth, pressed, as he pulls his straight raven strands in a pony with his gloved hands. Putting his hair up gave view to his heavily tattooed neck and straining arm muscles against the shiny fabric of his shirt. His tattoos were the hope of many omegas who woke up only to get a chance sighting of those artistic miracles on his tan skin. The servants who were assigned his room were hated, as well as pitied, by all.

His panther snarls, it's jewels gleaming under the moonlight, as a sign of impending danger. They stood on enemy grounds. The knights halt instinctively but the man doesn't.

The night is heavy in Huxley, but outside the Howling Forest light greets them. Fluorescent street lamps shine in the alleyways as if the road was on fire.

The man props one of his legs on a stone fence, ruby eyes narrowing at the civilization in front. How tame and silent, sneaks a belittling thought in his head.

"A-Alpha Ca-astello?" someone stutters behind.

Czar turns, sharp features and vengeful eyes so prominent under the starry sky. "Is this the Maley residence?" he questions in return.

"Y-Y-Yes your majesty," the man stutters out, sniffling and scrambling with his documents. "B-B-but...I-uh-I thi-ink there ha-a-as be-e-en a-a p-p-p-"

The man keeps shuddering, visibly convulsing in the mere presence of the Werewolf Lord. Czar Fernando Castello.
He's sweating, teeth chattering and eyes watering- involuntarily so. Legends read that being mateless for way too long Czar has developed an unforgiving and nasty temperament. (They're mostly baseless rumours though- hopefully.)

Czar's panther walks up to them and nuzzles his owner's leg, eyeing the stuttering frenzy of a man like fresh dinner.

"Your incapability at speech rivals that of a dying hamster, Jordan, are you wishing for me to get rid of that tongue of yours?" Czar questions eloquently, petting his panther's head with a smile.

It purred and prithee Jordan's soul almost left his body.

"No! No! No Your Majesty!!" Jordan all but screams, descending to the ground and curling himself in a respectful bow. "Please, spare me your highness! Have mercy in the name of Selene! I had nothing to do with this!!" he begs, rubbing his hands together and crying.

The knights shuffle uncomfortably as Czar rolls his eyes.

"Jordan, quit the dramatics, you know I'm not interested in tearing your saggy limbs apart. By Selene, tell me, is the Alchemist home?" the raven haired prince questions, looking down at the writhing mess of meat and bones ready to lick his feet.

Humans. Disgraceful and Pathetic.

"N-N-No, my Lord, h-he isn't h-home. Toril Maley is working with Lord Julius." Jordan confesses, tone as low as his self respect right now.

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