This fucking lass-

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Estella wakes up to find herself curled under her silk sheets, snuggling a pillow between her arms. Her chin rests over its edge, and her plush lips pull in a pout.

She's naked under the bed spreads so she curls her knees closer to her chest for some warmth. Her fingers feel as dirty as her soul. Impurity surrounds her.

Why did I do it?

Why did I let him kiss me?

Was it worth it?


Her conscious is quick to reply. It wasn't worth it. But it's too late. She is tainted now. If anyone gets the wind of it...she will be doomed. Her family would be banished from the castle grounds, shattered dreams piled up in a bag of regrets.

Her involuntary scratching of nail against nail is the only sound that surrounds her.

She was their only hope, only family, and still she let her inhibitions get the best of her. Let crappy flirt Julius Castello get his way with her!

Estella sighs an exasperated sigh. Her electric eyes fall on the window and she sees the dawn settle in the skies.

Estella hugs the pillow closer to her breasts, digging her nails in its fabric. She clenches her teeth against the pillow's softness and cries.

Her tears darken the red of the pillows, as if she were bleeding infinitely. Her wolf is distressed and it forces a want to phase. To change. To give in to her animalistic side and let go of all boundaries and forget all faults.

Be one with her true self. So, phase she does; breaking her bones and deforming her limbs into a majestic creature of gold spun fur. She howls over her bed, her primitive conscious having set itself on one goal:

To find Julius Castello and make him silent for good.

Estella tears away from the silk bed spreads and lunches at her imperial windows. She jumps out on the castle roof, following the bitter scent of the Second Prince. It's not far, citrusy...its mixed with someone else's.

The majestic Aningmoon Castle is surrounded by walls that are too high to climb but not too high to jump over. A draw-bridge separates the Castle grounds for Royalty from the castle grounds for the Rich. Estella spies Julius to be crossing that draw bridge with something or rather someone clung to his back.

He has royal knights walking alongside him which comes as a shock to Estella because Julius hated his privacy being tampered with.

Were they caught already?! It hasn't been that long...

No, it can't happen! She needs to make a move, right away!

So she runs, tearing her way through the wind and jumping unimaginable distances just to get a closer look. In her haste, she misses Czar Castello's unblinking stare at his brother's lagging form.

Estella runs up to the group and pounces right at the center of it. The Knights act immediately, drawing their spears and attacking her from every direction. Estella dodges the attacks with pure grace and swift elegance whilst making her way to the unguarded Alpha and tackling him to the ground.

Julius falls on his back with Estella's wolf perched on top of him and Edith pressed under, groaning sweet "Fuck you(s)" in his ear.

The guards keep their weapons at the wolf, not wanting to hurt but protect.

Being sandwiched between two girls, the situation would have been sexy for Julius if Edith wasn't sounding so venomous and Estella wasn't glaring her way through his soul.

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