Chapter 158: The Absolute Strongest of the Labyrinth

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A jet-black exoskeleton with golden joints peeking out.A deep multi-colored blade-like horn at the center, with antennae (jet-black, like the exoskeleton) extending from both sides.The exoskeleton, in accordance with the tastes of its creator Rimuru, had been reinforced with Demon Steel.This special steel, having been cultured in large quantities inside Rimuru's stomach, was extraordinarily compatible with the exoskeleton.Now, this living Demon Steel (properly called Adamantine) surpassed the strength of diamonds and achieved the flexibility of beings of flesh.Forged from the most supreme material, it had become living armour.But his strength was definitely not to be determined by his extraordinary exoskeleton.His true strength... was derived solely from his instincts that desired battle.And now, a new prey had appeared before him.All according to his plan.He was the absolute strongest of the Labyrinth.The strongest guardian, Insect Emperor, Kaiser Zegion...................Michelle and Raymond, exhausted and breathing hoarsely, were sitting in the middle of the stairway.By pure luck, they had somehow beat that disaster of a monster, the White Monkey.But they from reports from other floors that these monsters always revived after being defeated.So they ran with all their might before it had revived and made it to the stairs.It wasn't confirmed, but there had been no reports of monsters coming up the stairs.Maybe it was only their naïve hopes, but believing it to be the only safe space, they took refuge on the stairway."Oi...... what do we do now? Go deeper?""Don't be stupid. We only went down 1 floor y'know?And that Demon Monkey Byakuen came out.There might be a whole lot more down there, and we'll be roast meat y'know?""Yea. But you got any clues how to get outta here?I myself don't wanna head down even more, but now we can't go back either, can we?Ain't this Labyrinth fukin' impossible to capture?!"There was the problem:When going up the same stairway they came, they arrived at a completely different floor.The way back to the surface was impossible.In the beginning, there was no problem going back and forth, but suddenly, they were being sent to another floor.Michelle and Raymond weren't aware but they had directly descended to the 81st floor.And going down from there, ended up on floor 87.There was no guarantee of getting back to floor 81 if they had gone back up, but even if they did, they would still have to go another 80 floors to get back.Ramiris had distorted the space in the Labyrinth, and those who now entered would not be able to get out following the common sense of floor order.Normally, it was impossible to go back to a Boss Floor like floor 79 after having cleared it, but even that rule was now broken.Which meant that to get back to the surface, it would be necessary to go back up all the previous floors...... which was, evidently, insanely difficult.So, if I'm getting this right... going up, you get to the previous floor, but going down, you end up in a random room?)But, these survivors who hadn't known were unable to choose whether to go, or not to go, or to go.Furthermore, even though water was somehow managed, food would only last another 8 days.With that in mind, they would need to devour the flesh and blood of monsters, or else they wouldn't survive any more than 3 weeks.Only a day had passed since the invasion. And already, the situation was that of complete despair and utter chaos."Hey, the Dev Committee, you think we can trust 'em?"Michelle asked Raymond pointing towards the bracelet on her wrist.The Development Committee had manufactured an experimental product that supposedly made it possible to resurrect someone.It was a replica of the item that Shinji and co., the Secret Reconnaissance team had brought back.The people from the Development Committee had handed it over with confidence in their ability, but Michelle didn't trust them.If the effects had been confirmed, it would have been fine but......There was no time to make enough for all the troops, so only the elites received them, and no reports of revival had been received yet.There was the tasteless joke, of which one of them would die first to prove the hypothesis.Now, the joke was over."What idiot would believe this? Of course we can't go around thinking we'll just revive if we die."Raymond answers her rationally.Michelle shared his opinion and shrugged in response.But she kept the bracelet on anyway for peace of mind......According to Shinji and co., the 'Revival Charm' hadresurrected them in the Labyrinth City near the entrance of the Dungeon.But it was a charm that based its power on the will of the Faerie of the Labyrinth, Ramiris.This counterfeit bracelet had the sole effect of proving the idiocy of its wearer.Michelle then removed the bracelet, and stomped on it.With a dull sound, the item broke.Watching her with a wry smile, Raymond followed suit.Now, they depended on nothing but their own strengthThey now stood back up with a bitter smile."You ready?""Yeah. Now that it's come to this, let's see just how far we can make it eh?I finally got fired up again, and there's no way but down from here right?""You're right, you're absolutely correct!"Determined to fight the good fight, they pressed forward.With bright faces, they began descending the stairway with an unwavering heart.With no idea what awaited ahead...................Recognizing their fiery souls, something slowly closed its eyes.Closing its crimson dyed compound eyes, it analyzed its surroundings and thought.That they who were approaching, had the determination to engage in battle.Seeing that, it welcomed them.To its desolate abode.The ones who reached this floor were called to rejoice.With the dignity of a human being, they would engage proudly with something much stronger, and receive death.―― Labyrinth Floor 80, the Desolation Chamber, Prep Room――The end of the stairs led into a dimly lit room.The room had items practical for daily life and a number of chairs.A single door further ahead.From behind it, spewed out an unspeakably pure and concentrated Demonic Aura.Michelle and co. descended the stairs on floor 87, and had arrived in that room.80th Floor, in the preparation room before the Boss Room called the Desolation Chamber.Those that had arrived had sat down, and were talking.They were matching their findings.As Michelle and co.approached, one of them raised their hand and looked at them."What kinda place did you guys come from?"From their words, Michelle had deduced that they had all come from different floors.They probably knew that much already."We ended up with a stupid amount of monsters.After this ridiculously struggle with a White Monkey, we got to here while deciding whether to go up or down." "I see, we beat this Giant Golem, and went down the stairs""And us, the Ghost King, Immortal King.It was a formidable Demon King that ruled over the evil Undead.But the real scary things were the Ghost Knights that were protecting the king......""Other than the three of us, it was a bloody massacre on that floor.A Ghost Dragon, Ghost Knights, and to top it all off, anImmortal Ghost King.It's a miracle even we survived.Those Recon guys also challenged some really strong ones banding together"These kind of stories were told.Seven had gathered.They didn't realize that they were the last of the Imperial army invaders.But they had the feeling they were.Tea and snacks, and even a napping area had been prepared in the room they were sitting in.The stair going up had already disappeared.There was a clock with a countdown.Remaining time: around 3 hours.As if it was their Last Supper."I guess....... we really can't beat the next guy huh.""But is he just waiting for people to gather rather than kill us off one by one.......?"Was spoken curiously, but this place would certainly let one rest even a bit.There was probably no risk of poison, but the seven didn't dare touch the provided food.Everyone took out their Food Packs and restored their energy for what may be their last moments.Betting on their lives."Alright. I got it.To increase our chances, let's figure something out." Spoke the man who appeared to be the leader of the trio.No one had objections.This Labyrinth was never a place that the Empire could capture. That much was obvious from everything till now.If they could go back to the surface now, they would vow never to step foot inside.But such a vow would not be made. So, they would push forward."I'm Michelle, an 'Otherworlder'I've got the Unique Skill 'Fusion'.I hit really hard, but co-op is a bit weak." "Name's Raymond, also an 'Otherworlder'.Unique Skill 'Martial Artist', I've got 'Herculean Strength EX'"Following Michelle and co., the rest of them began introducing themselves.The men who beat the golem, Colonel Kansas and Major General Minutes.Colonel Kansas ―― the hero who lead the Demon Village annihilation operation.And, Major General Minutes.The Commanding Officer of this very Labyrinth Capture Operation.Michelle and Raymond began to readdress their behavior wondering what these big wigs were doing here.Kansas ushered them to be at ease.In the Empire, just being an "Otherworlder" could raise one's rank.These two are a great asset of the army, and it's hardly necessary to worry about rant in emergency situations like this.After all, what they needed right now was not hierarchy, but purely strength.And now for the trio.They had belonged to the emperor's personal Imperial Guards.Michelle and Raymond showed surprise at those words.Even Kansas and Minutes couldn't hide their bewilderment."Here is proof. Identify!"The trio took out their pendants and chanted briefly.With that, dazzling light enveloped their bodies.The became clad in Legendary Full Plate Mail, the best class of gear that, let alone obtain, one would be lucky to even gaze upon.The armours shone brilliant gold as they were forged with the god tier material, Orichalcum.Without a doubt this was the treasure bestowed by the Emperor himself upon his 100 absolute strongest guards.Their aura proved them to be the genuine article.3 of the Emperor's Personal Guards.They had among them, 3 members who belonged to the Empire's strongest force.And they themselves.Boasting Elite tier skill, they belonged to the Remodelled Armoured Corps.Emperor's Personal Guard No. 17: Khrishna.Emperor's Personal Guard No. 35: Bazan.Emperor's Personal Guard No. 94: Reiha.Led by Khrishna, they had been working together.Michelle and co.rejoiced at the aspect of this new hope.They numbered seven.Most likely, no more were left to join them.But, with these numbers......From the army that invaded the Labyrinth, these 7 elites had gathered.The countdown had hit 0.Followed by the door in front of them being opened.They were ready.Killing any hesitation, the 7 who had bet their lives on this fight, advanced.―― Labyrinth Floor 80, the Desolation Chamber, Interior――The inside was pitch black. Reiha casted wide range Light Magic, 'Floor Light'.What they saw almost froze their heart.On this floor, a mountain was built with the corpses of Imperial Troops.And at the peak, a single being.It seemed to be in deep Zen Meditation.It was slightly floating, which was likely the result of some powerful magic.Michelle was sure of one thing.This was the very monster that had led them here, the Demon Lord Rimuru himself.So she,"Are you...... The Demon Lord Rimuru?"Had asked just to make sure.But those words had infuriated Zegion."To mistake one as insignificant as I...... as the Great Demon Lord Rimuru......Your utter foolishness has set the path to survival to be but one.To fight and defeat me, Zegion.Struggle with all your might, and burn away the embers of your lives!"The battle had begun.−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−(Rimuru POV)Benimaru and I stared speechless at the scene depicted on the Large Screen.The video of the Labyrinth interior, that was displayed now, showed silence as the Imperial troops were relieved of their lives.The battle had ended.But the scene we saw now had left us at a loss for words."Hey...... isn't he like, stronger than you?"After a while, I spoke my honest opinion.Benimaru who refused to admit it said after another pause, "I'd be wrong to...... not consider the possibility."Said, frustrated.The Inter-Labyrinth battle was going as predicted.I was surprised when the giant Demon Golem and Alderman and co. were, respectively and successfully, brought down by 2 of the Empire's elites, and a 3-man team donning dazzling Orichalcum armour and extraordinary strength.It seems, some big shots had been mixed in with the rest.A knight defeated Albert in single combat, and Alderman was done in by a Female Knight possessing great magical prowess.Even the no-weakness Alderman, with his "Holy-Demonic Inversion", was defeated by 2 Knights and a Female Knight, which made them a clear threat.I was beginning to get a bit worried...... but really, there was no need.The 2 elites, and the 3 in Orichalcum descended to the 80th floor at around the same time.The culprit: Floor 80 Guardian, Zegion.Zegion had forcefully called in the people who he personally admitted to be strong."If you're lucky, someone strong might come along in y'know?" is what Ramiris had apparently said ―― I had sourced the information of their secret meeting from Beretta―― but Rimuru ignored that.Using brute force, Zegion made them come to him.But, what was really scary was his Senses.Sorting through every single soldier who invaded the Labyrinth, he had picked out the ones he wanted.While meditating, he was probably aware of the tiniest of movements.What an outrageous guy, this Zegion.Along with the 2 others who may have been Otherworlders, the battle began.In a word: Overwhelming.The Knight who defeated Albert, thrust his Max Speed Sword Attack.With his left hand, Zegion gently, calmly, perfectly following the enemy's movements, parried the sword.Simultaneously, having now closed the distance, he pushed his right leg, infused with power, into the armour of the previous enemy.The fierce power of his leg that hit the Knight wearing God- tier Golden Orichalcum armour had killed him in that single hit.Hardly 3 seconds had passed.Even before she had noticed the death of her comrade, the Female Knight was cut down.She had been blessed.She was able to die without fear or pain."U, U~Ooooo! You've done it now! Die, monster! Dimension Cutter!!"The last armoured Knight, unleashed his technique in a fit of rage"Pitiful"The distortion of space around Zegion was completely nullified."The skill I received from Demon Lord Rimuru's Raphael- sama makes any attack fall short!"That was....... Convenant King Uriel's Absolute Defence ―― Spatial Distortion Field ―― ain't it!Zegion's Spatial Dominance had surpassed the power of a Unique Skill.It was on par with the Absolute Defence of Chloe, who had fought Veldora once upon a time.No wonder he can match Veldora in single combat.Doesn't that mean Zegion is at the level of those Ancient Heroes?What fearsome growth potential.And that form also looked familiar.His exoskeleton that seemed to grant the battle potential of a Combat-Specialized monster......(Oi, Raphael, Isn't that......)"Solution.You may have forgotten, but Master has been sharing part of his body.As a result, providing Individual: Zegion with the super optimization, Full-Tuneup, He has gained a body similar to Master's"I remember.When I saved Zegion who was on the verge of death, I used part of my body to seal the wound.It was a time when Zegion was a simpler Insect type monster.He was a hybrid of Rhinoceros and Stag Beetles, which was seriously super cool.At only 50cm height, he was apparently a pretty rare Insect Type Demon Beast, so I left him in the care of Ramiris.Well, similar to him, who was placed in the Labyrinth, followed by having part of my body being embedded inside and strengthening him.......there was a certain bee.They became the ones we know and love as Zegion and Apito, but I hadn't expected this to happen.Apito had a Demon Steel coating only in 'name'....... but that Zegion had gone thru some super Accelerated Evolution.If I had to describe it, he had developed my ideal type of combat form, becoming a battle hungry demon.In addition, the full body remodelling received from good ol' Wisdom Lord Raphael had put the finishing touches on his current form.This Zegion had further received special training from Veldora, his current opponents were but small-fry.My prediction was correct."Dimension Ray!"Spreading open his fingers, Zegion swung down his right hand.Just like that, the space-time continuity distorted and the very dimension had been cut.The armoured Knight was ripped apart without resistance, another of them got caught up in collateral damage.In 10 seconds, a total of 4 people had died.Oh boy. This guy's bad news.He had surpassed the limits of man.No mistake, he left those limits in the dust.In my opinion, Apito is around Hinata levels in strength.But even she, wouldn't last 3 minutes with this Zegion.When Zegion actually got serious.Why the hell is someone like that in the Labyrinth? A damn waste, that's what it is right? Is what I'd have you think I thought, but this guy's gonna be the secret weapon.Yeah that's what I'll do. Or rather, every time I leave my pal, Wisdom Lord Raphael, in charge, things have a tendency to go out of hand.I don't need him for anything as of right now, but we're gonna need to have a talk soon.It was only a matter of time till the remaining 3 die.A compressed explosion meant to cause high intensity heat wave damage to Zegion, shows no effect against Absolute Barrier.And Herculean Strength does nothing to him either.The guy(ossan) with super speed attacks thanks to his remodelled body, didn't seem to move at all in Zegion's eyes.Less than a minute had passed and all 7 were defeated.To be perfectly honest, say I fought Zegion in the same form as him, say I didn't use my other powers, I'd probably lose.That's how I had come to ask Benimaru such a question.It's a dog eat dog- err- slime eat slime world, and I mean to always be vigilant......But with someone like this literally under our noses the whole time, my preconceptions got flipped upside down.The world truly works in mysterious ways.So there you have it, the Labyrinth invasion had ended, and I had acquired another 350,000 souls.And on the surface, the final battle was about to begin.

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