Chapter 22 - The Adventurers who finally arrived

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There were adventurers preparing to investigate the forest.They were B-rank adventurers Cabal, Ellen, and Gido.With monster activity worsening, even the merchants have avoided entering.With protection fees rising, the trip would no longer be profitable.Thus, to cross the forest, one would have to proceed on foot.And in the first place, as no carriage could approach the "Cave of the Seal", any trip would inevitably continue on foot.When they had finished some preparation and were about to set off, a single person called out to them.「Pardon me. If you are heading towards the forest, could I not perhaps accompany you half way?」Was the voice feminine? Masculine? Young? Old? That you couldn't figure out.Nor could you see the person's expression.For some reason, that person wore a mask.An expressionless, but beautiful, mask.The stranger emitted a suspicious aura... but「Should be fine...?」「Hey! You! Before the leader – I! – gave permission... seriously, what the hell!」「Really... well, now that Nee-san gave her okay, there's no use arguing, is there?」The three accepted the stranger without a second thought.「I am grateful.」After saying those three words, the suspicious stranger silently followed the trio.Thus, Cabal's group of three obtained a new companion, and set off on their investigation..*Tontenkan**Tontenkan. Kaaaaan. Kaaaaan. Don!*The forest was filled with the sound of cutting wood and blacksmith's hammer.The foundation of a new city is being laid; and new houses are being built.At first, to lay the plumbing, they had avoided building any houses, and it was but empty land...For the water way, they redirected the water from the river.It's under construction, but they plan on constructing a building for water pipe control. There, the water will be purified and distributed to every household.As for drainage, it will be directed into an underground sewage. As it is made from wood, we decided to preserve it by hardening it in cement.And, leading away from the city, it will end at a facility where it will be reprocessed into manure.Furthermore, we temporarily erected a building the size of a Gymnasium on the outskirts.It serves as temporary lodging are. And as such, it's not made to last.All in all, the construction proceeds smoothly.Near the cave, at the seat of honor, I plan on placing my dwelling.From there, we'll first build the houses of the clan lords, followed by that of the commoners.As I want to get it right, the initial map was drawn with utmost precision.Drawing a cross, with large roads running through the city, this plan is best for overseeing the denizens' behavior.But, it is easier to attack.What this plan made me think of is of construction of Heian- kyo (modern Kyoto) and Edo (modern Tokyo). I have a feeling that it is those examples that Rimuru is referencing. Kyoto was planned to resemble the Chinese imperial city, and thus constructed square. It had two main roads running through it, leading to the "seat of honor", the imperial palace. Edo, on the other hand, imitated the construction style of castles; and, using rivers, was thus made into a spiral. In terms of defense, while both were well known styles, Edo was considered superior.In any case, seems like having the goblins evolve into hobgoblins was the right decision.They quickly develop superior intellect and memorization.Also, their constitution and strength improve.According to the dwarfs, goblins are ranked F, but hobgoblins are monsters deserving a C~D rank.In any case, I should probably treat them with the same respect as humans.In short, their rank varies. Equipment and armor, individual class and skill, and other such factors greatly affect the rank.I mean, individual strength depends on the individual, right?The four I deigned lords, for example, are stronger than the rest.And Rigurdo, whom I crowned King...「Oh! You have spent your time here! I was looking for you!!」What a monster! Is all I want to say. He's huge and muscular.Compared to an ogre, he's not just similar, he seems stronger!Or so Kaijin said.Thus is seems that evolution is affected not just by a name, but also by the class.Truly, monster's capabilities are wondrous.Probably should try bestowing a few more titles to test this theory.「What's up?」「Ay! We have captured suspicious individuals, so I came to report.」「Suspicious? Of which monster race?」「Not monsters, they are humans. As you have commanded, we did not lay our hands on them.」「Humans? Why all the way over here?」Humans... huh?Finally, the opportunity I was waiting for! Have to start on friendly terms.Well... if they are like those idiot adventurers from before, I'll dispose of them or turn them into monster snacks...「They were assaulted by a group of giant ants, and were saved by Rigur's defense squad, who then took charge of their protection...There is evidence that they were investigating these lands.How shall we respond...?」I see.Seems like investigating on behalf of some country.I checked with the dwarfs, but Jura forest is not any country's property.Thus, there's a good chance they are investigating the lands on behalf of an expanding country.If that's the case, that complicates the matter...Well, I'll decide after meeting them.「Alright! I'll meet with them. Lead the way!」Having so decided, I jumped on Rigurdo's shoulder.Since Ranga moves around too quickly, moving on him is troublesome.This is no different from walking, but my low eye level bothers me.Besides, when trying to appear dignified, having people look down at you (literally) is counterproductive.But it's all an excuse!Rigurdo, with me on his shoulder, walked to the captured adventurers.So, what kind of people are they?As I thought so, before my eyes (which I don't have, of course), I saw,「Hey! You! I saw that first!!!」「You're terrible! I was aiming for that meat!」「Danna, I shall not yield when it comes to food!」「*Mogu mogu*」(Munching sound)I heard a boisterous group.「......」To my silent question,「Many apologies. Somehow, it seems that all their items were stolen... so we decided to prepare a meal, and this...」Huh.Rigurdo is pretty nice guy, it seems.「Nah, isn't this fine? Actually, well done! Treating those in need kindly is a good thing!」I praised his actions.More importantly, they, without consulting me, decided on a course of action they thought best.That, in itself, is a wonderful thing, I imagine.「Ay! Henceforth, as to not cause Rimuru-sama any trouble, we shall further devote ourselves!」Well, he's still damn formal, though.After that conversation, we entered the tent.To be precise, the people guarding outside opened the way in.And all the eyes fell on me.With their mouths full of meat and vegetables, Adventurers.Their eyes opened wide at the sight of me. However, it seems that they aren't aware that their surprise showed itself.Hmm? Haven't I...?Ah! The trio of the cave!But one of them I have never seen before.Wearing a mask... how is he eating?*Mogu mogu*Slowly, at his own pace.But, Barbecue!!! Kuu... I also want a taste.Nostalgic Meat-chan. Ah... wouldn't taste buds just fall from somewhere...?Oops, my mind seems to have wondered in a strange direction.Rigurdo let me down at the main seat.「Dear guests, although we cannot offer better hospitality, please make yourselves at home. Before you is our lord, Rimuru- sama!」Having so introduced myself, he took the seat next to me.*Gokuri* The sound of them swallowing what they were eating and drinking resounded.And,「「「What? A slime?!」」」「Mogu mogu」They're surprised.But really, to react in the same way... oh well.「Pleased to meet you. I am the slime Rimuru. Not an evil slime.」

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