Chapter 74 - Veldora

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The moment I ordered 『Wisdom King Raphael』 to release Veldora, I felt an energy storm rage within me.I felt a soul of overwhelming power be released.(I am reborn!!!)Don't you sound weird? I wanted to retort, but abstained and,(Yo! It's been a while, how have you been?)I offer a light greeting.(... What's with that... I'm back and such a lousy greeting...But that was quicker than expected. I had thought it'd be a while longer)(Nope! 『Infinite Prison』 did take a while, though.Had my 『Great Sage』 skill not evolved, it'd take another hundred years.(Well, my unique skill 『Investigator』 has also been analyzing the prison.Sadly, as it was sealed inside, I couldn't send 『Great Sage』 the report.How absurdly strong it was, 『Infinite Prison』 ! As expected of a hero.By the way, what's with the skills evolving?)Veldora asked and I began the explanation.My transformation into a demon lord made my unique skillsevolve into ultimate skills.『Great Sage』 had become 『Raphael』 and its analytical abilities greatly increased.(Hoho, so that's how it was. Oh, and you became a demon lord in less than a year!Unlike those fakes, awakened demon lords are really strong, you know!(Well! Who would've known! Could I be a genius?I was the strongest slime around since birth though, jeez.That much is a given, no?)(Are you an idiot? Doing such absurd things. Indeed, I have felt you drawing out absurd amounts of magical energy once ina while.And then going around naming people left and right... you do know that whenever you didn't have enough energy it came from me, right?What a ridiculous guy.I thought that by having my energy taken by you would extend the imprisonment, but who would have thought you'd shorten it by evolving.Very unexpected, I must say!)Eh? So the reason I was fine naming everyone was because of Veldora?Never once did I think that the risk-free evolution I was witnessing was strange.I guess I can't be naming people as recklessly anymore.I see... now I understand why the demon lords don't just quickly increase the number of their followers.Well, this late in the game, let's just say that everything went according to plan.(Yeah? I planned this all, though (a blatant lie)!By the way, did a gift reach you?The demon lord evolution mentioned something about gifts given to everyone I was linked to)He made an incredulous face.And thinking for a second,(Ooooh! So that's the skill evolution!My unique skill 『Investigator』 evolved into ultimate skill『Investigation King Faust』 .Recognizing my inquisitive spirit, I was granted path to the ultimate truth!)He is very excited.Just as he looks, he's quite an airhead I guess.Though that's perfectly fine.To the greatly elated Veldora,(Good for you, I guess. Skill evolution happens unexpectedly often, right?)I ask,(Fool! I didn't expect such a thing to happen for a few thousand years.Well, since those who've experienced it don't go boasting about it, it's more of a secret than anything.You have experienced something truly precious!)He responded.I mean, yeah, considering that demon lords don't just awaken every day, it would be a pretty rare occurrence.I do want to continue talking for a while longer, but Veldora is probably itching to go outside.But I worry whether it will be fine.He's being traced by the Church's magic, after all.Wouldn't they find out the moment he exists?(Hey, now that we cracked the seal and you have been reborn, will you go outside?But, the problem is, you leak so much aura that everyone will find out soon I think...)(Would you be troubled if they did?)Yes.I wanted to jokingly say but,Would I be troubled... Nope, not in the slightest, I think?If anything does happen I can always depend on Veldora.(Nope; if I think about it, it doesn't trouble me that much.So, as a medium, how about you use one of my clones?)I offered and, creating a clone, moved the Veldora's consciousness to it.Thus releasing him from my stomach.I and my beautiful clone.The only difference is its hair has now turned platinum.Is what I thought...It suddenly started to grow, reaching 2 meters. And, the bodyturned firm, the face masculine.Only my general facial features remained. He has become a good looking young man.In short, this is how I would look if I made myself look like a guy. So I thought.As I thought, he's a complete battle maniac. Taking on an easy to fight in yet intimidating form.He didn't turn into a giant dragon, and I almost expected him to do so.(Kuahahaha! I have obtained the strongest power! All who disobey shall die!!!)

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