Chapter 78 - Demon Lords

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Demon Lord Clayman was in an unprecedented state of panic.The humans were guided into action as planned.The result was supposed to be a bloodbath of a battle, filled with suffering and tragedy which his soul would reap and relish.However, the battle was concluded in an instant and all the souls were absorbed by a third-party.He couldn't believe it, but the recent report confirmed it.This was a stage prepared by that honorable individual.A fight between monsters and humans that would lead Clayman into awakening as a True Demon Lord.Thus, he hardly cared for his subordinate Myulan, and planned to dispose of her soon after.But he now lost connection with her. Moreover, her curse had been released and she was now free.This fact only added to his anxiety.But only that much was hardly a matter for concern.Fortunately, he still has the strongest trump card known as Milim.Thus, he had forced Frey to schedule a Subjugation Council– Walpurgis Banquet.As it had Milim's, Frey's, and his signature on it, it was quickly approved; there he wishes to call for an extermination of the presumptuous Slime who dared to call itself a demon lord and its city.Because marching his troops in the direction of human cities is strictly forbidden.At this Subjugation Council, he will first secure dominion over the other demon lords and then obtain the rights to invade the Monster Country, Tempest.While trampling every country along the way, of course.As for the high ranking devils of that country, he'll have Milim crush them.Were it a few days ago, he could have crushed them all himself, but due to their master's evolution, they all became devils and acquired greater power.At this point, Clayman lamented the fact that the first plan had failed.Well, he only had to rule over whoever remained after Milim was done with them.But...Suddenly the shut-in demon lord Ramiris, requested that Slime Rimuru would be granted permission to attend.And strangely, he was given permission really quickly.Clayman tried to veto the request, of course, but, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, three other demon lords accepted it.Which caused all of Clayman's plans to fall apart.The Walpurgis Banquet that he so painstakingly gathered now was home to his enemies.Nor could he run away from it.If the slime himself came, even if Clayman called for asubjugation, the battle would occur at the Banquet."What to do? What should I do?"Clayman desperately sought a way out of this predicament..This desperation was observed by Frey who was smirking.What an unsightly man.Things were proceeding faster than she expected.Though she had not predicted this outcome, it was nonetheless to her favor.She looked at the expressionless Milim standing across fromher,At her cute face–completely void of any emotion,At her eyes, which suddenly looked elsewhere. At Frey.Frey nodded.(Yes, that's right. I understand, Milim)She responded in her mind, with a profound smile.And...(Clayman, you will live not much longer)Frey was secretly confirming theupcoming plan.* * *In an unknown land, in the innermost burial chamber,In front of a coffin wrought of ice which sealed a beautiful naked girl with flowing black hair,Stood a being, themselves nude, beholding the coffin with a suspicious gaze.(Ah, how beautiful. Ah...)Observing and adoring the coffin girl was this being's secret pastime.A silver haired cute girl.Her heterochromatic eyes glistened with a bizarre red and blue light.This, among her many strikingly beautiful features, was the most prominent one.But perhaps what garnered the most attention...Were two pure teeth that peaked from within her small lips.When her small lips parted, they revealed a set of pure white fangs.She was the ruler of the night, Queen of Nightmares.Demon Lord Ruminas Valentine.Even she, a vampire possessing the immense power of a demon lord, could not break the ice coffin.As it was not actually made of ice but was a pure lump of holy spirit energy.So even touching the coffin would leave burn like marks on her body.However...Without any regard to this, she clung to the ice coffin.An invitation to attend Walpurgis Banquet reached this girl.Unfortunately, many beings of comparable power would attend.Thus, she currently lacked the power to make them her enemies.Though this vexed her to no end, there was naught she could do.(Wait for me...)She whispered the name of the adored girl, and left the chamber.And gathering a vast amount of magical energy, she submerged the chamber in darkness.* * *Two men were in the middle of a conversation.The first was a large, sturdy man clearly known for his height.The other was slovenly lying down, without a hint of dignity.However, as this was his usual appearance, the former paid it no mind.「So, how long will you be staying here?Will you set off on another journey after the Walpurgis Banquet?」「No clue~. What a pain. Nothing excites me anymore~」To the large man's question, he replied without any motivation.But whichever...「But surely you have no choice but to participate in Walpurgis Banquet?So you might as well start considering what you will do afterwards」The large man concluded.And looked at the vast sky above as if enjoying the view.Minutes passed silently between them,「Hey, Dagrule, do your sons feel like becoming a demon lord?I can take them under my care, if you'd like?」The delicate man said as if he just remembered this idea.The large man... no, Dagrule closed his eyes for a minute and was deep in thought.One of the Giants, this demon lord is often referred to as "Continent's Wrath".Normally a gentle man he finds the title unpleasant, but when angered he truly can't stop his hand.His power greatly increases when angered so he's a demon lord treated with utmost care.And his most closest friend, the delicate man, has never once angered him.To the delicate man's words,「Nah, they resemble me when I was young.They are rash, look down on everything, and believe that a being stronger than them does not exist.They would look down even on you, Dino」He replied.The delicate man's name is Dino. A man of unknown race with an appearance no different than a human.But, he possess magical energy of such quantity that no human could possibly match.Though he is a handsome man, his sleepy gaze ruins his appeal.But he too is a demon lord. Called "The Wandering King" or "King of the Sleeping Forest".Even now, he has left his home and is in the middle of a journey.And having used up all of his strength during the journey, he ended up in the care of his best friend Dagrule.In response to Dagrule's words,「Ah, I don't mind. My worth wouldn't diminish from such a thing.But if they are so impudent, how about you bring them over?You have three sons, so I can bring one of them in my name?」He said.Of course, he meant to take them to the Demon Lords' Walpurgis Banquet.Dagruel thought a bit on these words.And,「Can I ask this of you? If they act foolish and die without coming to know true power, then that's that.So showing them true strength would be an excellent lesson」He nodded.His three sons. Like him, they are a violent bunch.Agreeing to bring them, they continued the conversation with this in mind.However, bringing them there is much like starting a fire next to gun powder, but these two failed to recognize it as such.After all, both of them were particularly bad at careful planning.* * *In a land covered by ice where fierce blizzards reigned,Proudly stood a tall castle.Its vicinity was covered in a barrier of ice, with temperatures of minus 120° Celsius such that nothing could live there.And yet a beautiful castle adorned the land.Its presence testified to an unimaginable amounts of magical energy–truly a castle of the highest demon.The Castle was named "Palace of White Ice".And it was ruled by Demon Lord Guy Crimson.There was a being leisurely walking though the castle.Platinum Gold long hair, blue narrow eyes. A well defined face.Skin so white that it was almost transparent.He was so beautiful that he was surely mistaken for a woman.Demon Lord Leon Cromwell. The one called the Blond Demon.He proceeded through the halls as if he owned them.Ahead of him was a door with beautiful carved decorations. It led to the audience chamber of the lord of the castle.Leon's purpose in attending was the lord of the castle, demon Lord Guy Crimson.Leon stood in front of the door, and the two large attendant demons opened it.And,「Demon Lord Leon Cromwell-sama has arrived!」A female-like demon announced the coming of Leon fromabove.On the inside, many powerful Greater Demons stood on the sides.Each was a named demon so greatly surpassed the power of a normal greater demon.There were over 200 of them in total.Named Greater Demons differ from normal ones as they possess a corporeal body in this world.So each could easily rival a high ranking devil.In other words, the room had 200 beings of a rank easily surpassing A.But that's not all...At the end of the room, before the throne of Demon Lord Guy Crimson stood six demons of terrifying power.They were Named Arch demons.They battle power was surpassed any devil. These were pseudo-demon lord level demons.But...These six demon generals prevented any excessive word from going unpunished.Ruling over all of these as Demon Lord Guy Crimson's left and right hand were two demons.Having become "Demon Officer" these two women serve as the Demon Lord's spokesmen.They possess power that rivals that a demon lord."Demon Officer" Mizari and "Demon Officer" Hirari.Leon proceeded further in and stood right below the throne.And that's where Mizari and Hirari kneeled, and「「Leon-sama, it has been a long time」」

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