"Are you mad?" "No. you were protecting your friend and that's cute and you didn't stab him and I didn't have to collect you from the station. But don't lie to me again." I nodded, I felt a little guilty but she kissed me. "We're okay. Look happy they're both coming back." She told me. "Sorry." "All is forgiven." She kissed me again. I frowned and looked around. "What?" She asked. "We're downstairs." I point out "Table seven, it's my table." She says, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "You just kissed her," Scarlett says in the same level of shock I'm currently in. I didn't realise at first because it's just natural for her to kiss me, it's so normal. "She's my girlfriend." Lizzie still wasn't following. She was looking between the two of us whilst Hunter sat the drinks and snacks down. "What is up with you two?" She asked picking up her tea and sipping it. She spat it out and her eyes went wide. "I just kissed you." "It's fine," Scarlett says. "No one will have noticed." "We need to leave." "If we leave it'll look weird just sit." Scarlett pushed her down. "What's happening?" Hunter said confused. "Lizzie kissed Nell, but Nell and Lizzie aren't public so they avoid PDA and well," Scarlett explained. "I'm sorry." "It's okay." "No, it's not. You're not ready." "You are?" I asked confused. "I mean yeah. You're always there so it's not that scary." I smiled softly at her. "You will continue to delete the bad comments." "What?" I tilt my head. "On my posts, you take my phone and delete all the hate." "I don't." "I saw you. You thought I was asleep by the pool." She had an amused smile on her lips. "Keep doing that forever." "Always." "Cutest shit ever!" Scarlett said clapping her hands together.

We had our brunch and Lizzie shared her muffin with me, I laid my head on her shoulder as we sat there, I mean she kissed me so this was nothing. "Tired?" "My back hurts," I whine. "From the sofa?" I nodded. "Poor baby, you take the bed with Scarlett tonight." "No, you stay with her, I will survive a few more nights on the sofa," I tell her quietly, Hunter and Scarlett were in the middle of a teasing match. "Massage?" She asked. "Scar's here." "Studio?" "I'm not having sex in my studio." "Why not?" "You deserve a bed." "I can handle the floor." "That horny?" "I'm due for my period." "Makes sense now." We both chuckled. "I love you," I tell her lifting my head slightly to look at her, we were in our own private world right now speaking quietly to each other in whispers, she turned to look at me our noses bumping softly. "I love you." She was breathtakingly perfect, everything about her was stunning. "I really want to kiss you." She whispers her eyes flicking from my lips to my eyes and back again. "Then do it." "Really?" I nodded and bit my lip nerves filling me up, she kissed me softly and slowly, when we pulled apart we gaze into each other eyes for a few moments before I rested my hand back on her lap and fiddled with her rings. She pecked the top of my head as I rested there against her shoulder.

"So stinking cute!" Scarlett said smiling at us. "Oh, are you two finished now?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "I won." "did not." "You're both children." Lizzie declares. "You're dating one." My mouth dropped open and Lizzie choked on her tea and the twins laughed. "She's not a child, she's more mature than you are." "She's an infant." "Don't bite babes," I tell Lizzie when she went to say more, Scarlett was teasing her in a playful mood today which was nice. It might have something to do with her brother being around today.

"We're going to the gym in the morning," I inform Lizzie. "We are?" She asked pulling a face. "Yes, you can sit and look pretty and pick the music," I assure her. "Good because I can't. The training for Marvel has wiped me out." "If you kept it up you'd find it a lot easier," Scarlett said. "Why would I do that to myself? No one likes working out." "I do." The three of us said in unison. "Agree with me please, that's what girlfriends do." "How would you know? I'm your first." I teased her. "Because I know." She said not being able to come up with a reason which made me laugh.

We eventually left and strolled around the city slowly avoiding crowds and anyone who looked like they would know who the girls are. I held Lizzie's hand in mine and I hold onto her arm with my other keeping her close to me as we walked. Hunter and Scarlett were a little in front. "You're very affectionate today," Lizzie observed. "Comfortable," I say leaning my head down onto her shoulder. "Yeah?" I nodded standing up straight again. "Plus I really missed you." She smiled at that information. "I missed you too." She declared.

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