In only seven days

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A few weeks passed and "Bohemian Rhapsody" cemented itself at the top of the charts. Television appearances became regular, the siege of the house by fans and journalists was a daily occurrence and almost more so that you didn't have your own life. The biggest joke was that you were both Freddie's best friend and Roger's girlfriend, so you were twice as interesting to the press.

"I can't live like this anymore. Horror" you said with a sigh.

"I know, love. Who would have thought that one day it would be like this and it's not quite as great as I imagined. Listen, I have an idea! Let's go to your apartment, Freddie emptied it, didn't he?"

"Yes, he took everything to his new house, I completely forgot about it from all this madness ... "

One busy late morning, after breakfast, while you were scratching the back of your head thinking about what to take to your apartment, someone knocked on the door.

"We're not expecting anyone, but ... only one man is knocking this way. Hope I'm right" you laughed and flew to the door. "Mom, Dad! What a surprise! Please come in!"

"Maybe we should have announced ourselves after all" your father said hugging you.

"Not at all! If you need to announce yourself ... I knew it was you! You were betrayed by a knock."

"Well, in a way, I wanted to let you know who's in front of the door. Not to be surprised. Neither you nor we. Still living with a guy" he winked at you.

"Oh my god, Dad!" your cheeks turned red.

"And we used to be young and did everything young people do"

"Stop it! Sit down please, do you want something to drink?"

"Beer, if you have any."



"Wow, Mom!" you laughed. "What brings you here?"

"The desire to see you. We miss you."

"And you to me, but you know how it is, I told you" you shrugged.

"So, you two settled down here" your mom was looking around.

"Yeah. Do you like it? And you, Dad?"

"Yes I like. I see your influence, pillows and other things that you women love, and we men are terrified of them. As soon as Roger allows and endures all this, I guess he loves you. Much."

"I would say so" you giggled and handed them a beer.

"Anyway, is he home? I'd like to meet that young man."

"Okay. You mean like right now?" you stuttered.

"It wouldn't be bad" Dad winked at you.

You went to the stairs and shouted

"Roger, come down please"

After a few moments your darling appeared only in his tight boxers

"Say honey?"

"Um ... turn around. These are my parents, and this is Roger" you said shyly.

"Oh oh, shit! I'm sorry ... I mean, nice to meet you at last! Sorry about this" he tried unsuccessfully to cover his crotch with his hand.

"Nice to meet you too" your father held out his hand, in purpose you would say, raising an eyebrow.

"We're unusually glad" your mom said with a smirk.

"Mom! Cut it out!" you whispered through gritted teeth.

"I'm going to get dressed, excuse me. Sarah, can you come for a second?"

One year of love 💖🥁 A Roger Taylor fanfic 🥁💖 Where stories live. Discover now