24 - Remember Me?

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Chisa's POV

As the hands clamp down on my arm, the salty smell of sand invades my nose...

I freeze, goosebumps prickling my skin as my heart jumps unevenly.

It's him...

Ashen Eye...

Who else smells like sand?

"Well, well, well, look how much the little Starling has grown since I saw her last." He tightens his hands around my arm and I wince.

I'm terrified. My heart is beating so fast it may as well be vibrating. My hands are cold and clammy, and I'm shaking like a leaf in a thunderstorm.

How can he be here? How did he find me? Why is he in the Aerie?

The questions buzz around in my head like angry wasps.

But why aren't I screaming? Or crying? It's like my body has shut down. All I can hear are my rapid breaths.

I'm scared. Ashen Eye is a powerful, Ancient Fae. What if he's still upset over the deal that turned sour between him and Joseph? Oh no... What if I'm the collateral damage?

Hold on... before I get ahead of myself... after everything that's happened today, perhaps I'm just hallucinating. I mean, it wouldn't be the first time.

Slowly, I turned around. I kept my eyes downcast, but my heart sank as a brown robe and a wooden staff came into view. I audibly gulped as my eyes travelled upwards until I was staring into the abyss of Ashen Eye's swirling orbs. I gasped in horror as a shudder rippled down my spine. There is no way I could imagine anything so bloodcurdlingly petrifying as his eyes.

"Oh, did the little Starling think I was a figment of her imagination?"

After he spoke those bone-chilling words, I miraculously found my voice.

"LIN-" Ashen Eye's hand clamped over my mouth before I could even finish hollering his name. His other hands released my arm but snaked around my waist, pulling me back into his hard chest. Immediately, my hands flew over his, desperately trying to pry it off my mouth.

"Ah, ah, ah, we'll have none of that." Ashen Eye chides.

His nails dug into my cheeks painfully, and tears blurred my vision. I furiously kicked my legs and wriggled in his hold despite the sheer fear coursing through my veins. I clawed at his hand with my nails, doing my best in a futile attempt to make him release me. To my astonishment, I heard him hiss in pain. But my victory was short lived, as he tightened his hand over my mouth, cutting off my oxygen supply. I gasped and choked, gripping his hand.

My heart beat erratically against my ribs as my lungs screamed for air. I panicked. My struggles grew weaker as the cloudy grey sky became blurry. I'm going to die - he's going to kill me!

Suddenly, he removed his hand. I coughed and choked, holding onto his hand for support as I greedily took large gulps of air. After a few moments, I gathered my bearings and continued to fight futilely. But my obvious defiance only angered Ashen Eye.

"That is enough, Sleigh Beggy." His voice was grave.

Instantly, I slumped in his arms as all my energy left me. My arms went limp and my legs dangled uselessly in mid air. I couldn't even hold up my head - it just lolled to the side, resting on Ashen Eye's arm. My anxiety skyrocketed.

"Now, that is better. Your defiant spirit seems to have grown, young Seer. It will be a shame to break that spirit again."

My heartbeat spiked as fear greeted me like an old friend.

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