7 - Aerie

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Chisa's POV

I dreamed of chains. Large, clinking, glinting chains. They wrapped themselves tightly around my arms, legs, stomach, everywhere. And there was nothing I could do to stop them. I screamed, struggled and cried for help - but none came. Joseph's menacing laughter echoed in my ears - I couldn't block it out.

He physically appeared in my dreams too, covered in chains, his signature smile on his face as he walked slowly towards me. I couldn't move, I couldn't get away. He was just there, a constant reminder of my fate.

"Feel the chains that bind us, Chisa!" He shouted, making me scream louder.

Then the chains got heavier, dragging my broken body down to the ground. It hurts, it hurts... The pressure from the chains pushed me so deep into the ground that it suddenly broke away. I was falling... falling... falling... shrieking like a banshee.

But no one came to help me. No one came to save me. How can I expect them to?

Nothing and no one can stop destiny...

Miraculously, the frightening scene instantly fades, but...

I'm still sleeping... I know I am. I'm suspended in complete darkness. All I can see, is my own body. My violet hair floats in mid air, fanning out all around me. My arms are heavily bandaged, along with my legs. I can also feel bandages secured around my head, covering the left side of my face - covering the scar. I'm wearing a lilac T-shirt and some grey shorts... makeshift pyjamas. I lift the T-shirt up a little, revealing more snowy white bandages - I feel like a walking first-aid kit.

But then I realise - I'm not in any pain. It feels... good. I'm calm, and relaxed, just peacefully resting in this limbo. I relish this peace, because just for a moment I can forget all my troubles, and feel free.

I don't know how long I just float here, but suddenly, I notice a little light. I concentrate on it. It gets brighter and brighter, until its rays hit my face. It's warm and real and bright. I like it.

After a while, I realise the light isn't moving anymore. I feel a sense of deja vu - I've been in this situation before... what happened back then?

Ah... I remember - it's time to go now. My body shifts slightly, and my gauzed feet hit the invisible, obsidian ground. I take a deep breath, and then I start walking towards the light.

I hope I don't wake up in pain.
I hope I don't wake up surrounded by Alchemists.
I hope Joseph isn't near me.
I hope... I wake up with a free mind.

I mentally sigh - reality doesn't work that way.

The light shines brighter, I'm almost there.

I should know how reality works by now, especially when I see it beforehand...


My eyes open slowly, but half of the world is dark. I feel my heartbeat increase. Wait. I remember now. Joseph cut my face, directly over the scar that he already marred me with. Having been reminded of this detail, I calm myself down. At first, everything I see is blurry, so I blink a few times. My bleary eye finds... a beige ceiling? I tilt my head slightly, which is resting on an extremely comfortable pillow. My eye meets a beige wall, and I startle. I didn't expect that to be there. I blink, seeing shadows dancing on the wall amidst an orange glow. I tilt my head to the left instead, a slight rustling noise leads me to believe that I have gauze wrapped around my head and over the left side of my face. I scrunch my nose up and squint, feeling the smooth material move against my face. It's a strange sensation.

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