19 - Another Perspective

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Lindel's POV

I sighed as I watched Chisa's figure retreat slowly. To say that conversation did not go well would be an understatement. That poor girl carries such a heavy burden. If only she could trust us enough to help her.

"That was a complete disaster." Alice said flatly. She was also staring after Chisa with sadness in her eyes.

"Alice!" Renfred scolded her. "It's not your place-"

"No, no, it's quite alright." I can't fault her for her opinion. The discussion was a disaster. "Alice is right - it did not go as I had hoped." I rubbed my hand over my face, sighing tiredly.

I fixed my gaze on the patch of grass where Chisa had been sitting. The grass had been drained of its lush green colour and was now a dull brown. Her connection to the natural world is astounding. The nature around can feel her emotion; although Chisa does not realise that her emotions flow into the earth because she uses Magic without realising it. This is why I must know what ails her so; she doesn't know how to hold back, and I fear it is killing her.

I always have a back up plan; but this time, I am unsure of what to do next. Chisa... there is so much fear in her eyes. She trembles like a flower being attacked by an autumn breeze. Even with Cartaphilus out of her mind, she's still afraid. Why is that? Is her mind unable to process the fact that she is free?

No, that can't be it. Chisa is a smart girl. She smiled at me when she realised Cartaphilus could no longer torment her with his words. No - there must be something else that she's afraid of.

Could it be her gift of precognition?

Before all of this, when she first woke up, I know she had a vision - I witnessed her state myself. But I also know whatever she saw terrified her. Why else would she be so reluctant to speak of it? If only we knew... I hope she heard my words. The future is not set in stone. She has the power to change it, she just needs to believe in herself.

Renfred's exasperated sigh pulls me out of my thoughts. Turning towards him, he pinches the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes for a moment. "Permit me, Lindel, but what exactly did you wish to achieve by asking her those triggering questions?" Renfred met my stare with hard, inexpressive eyes. He cares for Chisa in his own way - after all, he saw how Joseph treated Chisa. He even sealed wounds inflicted upon her by that demon.

"I wished to understand her better." I replied with no hesitation. "But, I thought by getting her to speak of the past, she could learn to let go - it's tormenting her soul so, and it's damaging her abilities as a Mage."

It's true. Chisa has such wonderful gifts that are rare among Mages. But the darkness surrounding her will quickly snuff out those talents if she continues to torment herself so. Her gifts cannot be wasted because of Cartaphilus. He's damaged her spirit enough.

"But Lindel, it's only been a few months! And she's been suffering all this time anyway! He's been poisoning her mind - even I could tell!" Alice yelled, gesturing wildly with her arms. Again, I couldn't fault her - she also cares for Chisa a great deal.

"Yes, I know. I'll be honest, I didn't know his influence over her was quite so strong. It will indeed be difficult to sever this Pact." It was my turn to pinch the bridge of my nose.

"That Pact should never have been made." Renfred mumbles spitefully. "That son of a... he targeted Chisa in her most vulnerable state..." he clenched his fists tightly, shaking with rage. "What a monster." The flames of the fire dance across his face, making his scars more prominent.

"Indeed. Even with the amethyst crystal protecting Chisa, it's not enough to truly free her from his destructive presence within her mind." As I spoke, my blue eyes clashed with Alice's hazel ones; she wrapped her arms tightly around her form.

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