12 - There Are Three Sides To Every Story - Part 2

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Chisa's Side

Chisa's POV

"Chisa!" Chisa screamed from behind me.

But I didn't stop running, not even when I felt the ring disintegrate. Everything seemed to amplify as soon as it broke. My anger, my tears, my despair, my loneliness... it all became agonising.

The ring... it's gone. It was supposed to help me control my Magic... but now it's gone. And I can feel the effects. I can feel it draining out of me just as quick as I'm absorbing it. I'm dizzy and disorientated. Where am I again? Where am I going? I don't know. Help... someone help.

Tears ran haphazardly down my face, I could taste the salt on my tongue as my lungs screamed at me to stop running. But I couldn't stop. I wasn't safe. I need to get away from her. She's not my sister... not anymore.

She thinks I lied.
She thinks I'm in league with Joseph.
She didn't believe me.
She's no sister of mine.

"Oh! I'm so proud! That bond is fully broken now! You have no idea how happy I am, puppy!"

"Shut up!" I screamed aloud.

My lungs burned as I kept going - I didn't even slow down. My legs seemed to know where to go, despite my mind not knowing. The green grass that surrounded me blurred into a green blob as I ran - my tears didn't really help the situation either. My heart hurts... it hurts.

Chise's words - her awful, hurtful words were branded into my brain, burned into my memory. And every time I blinked away more tears, all I could see was her face, contorted in anger... anger that was directed at me.

"I don't know you... and I'm not sure... I want to."

My heart clenched as my mind replayed those words... it hurt so much worse than any wound Joseph ever inflicted upon me - that says a lot. My emotions are running haywire, but the pain in my heart stands out above everything else. Everything is amplified - it hurts.

But I'm also... infuriated. How could she do that to me? I didn't want to be a burden... why is that so wrong? Those things I said... I meant them. Yes, they were said in anger, but-

"Puppy, did you know that words spoken in anger are usually the deep, dark truth that no one wishes to admit? My, my, that says an awful lot about your relationship with that brat."

Joseph's words squirmed into my mind like snakes, dripping their venom into my thoughts, corrupting them even further. Which is exactly what he wants.

No. I refuse to give him that satisfaction.

"SHUT UP!" I yell, my voice sounding scratchy.

"Don't take that tone with me, little girl." Joseph warns.

My body shudders irrepressibly as it scrambles through I hole in the side of the cliff face. Before I understand what's going on, I find myself back in the secret sunset spot. But this time, the sky is grey and stormy - fully depicting my entire mood. Through my blurry vision, I see the white bandages on my arms are now grubby with dirt and grass stains. They can't be perfect anymore - just like my relationship with Chise...

A strangled sound escapes my throat as I furiously scratch at the bandages, trying my hardest to peel them off. I tear them away so violently, that my arms tingle afterwards. I ignore the sensation, quickly removing the rest of the gauze that covers my torso and legs. When I'm finally free of them, my eyes zone in on my numerous scars and wounds. They're still the same - prominent, pale pink lines on my skin, marring the white porcelain like cracks.

The Starling's SecretOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz