5 - Chained

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Chisa's POV

This can't be happening... I'm hallucinating - I have to be. He's not here. He's not here. He's only inside my head - that's the only place where he can hurt me now. What I'm hearing isn't real! It can't be...

Manic laughter echoes all around me. I flinch, whimpering pathetically, just like the coward I am. I squeeze my eyes shut tightly and my hands fly over my ears, a desperate attempt to block him out.

"Oh puppy! The denial flowing through your pretty little head right now - it's quite amusing really."

It's an illusion... it's all in my head. This isn't happening! Your mind is playing cruel tricks on you!

"But you see..." His voice trails off. I begin to wonder if I was able to stop my hallucination.

But suddenly, a hand clamps around my wrist, making me gasp in fright. I quickly open my eyes... and immediately wish I never did...

"I'm all too real!" Joseph shouts gleefully.

A bloodcurdling scream tore through my throat as my frightened green eyes locked with the satisfied, dark grey eye of Joseph. His silvery white hair is untidy, and, just like in my nightmares, he's wearing dull grey pyjamas. He has violet shadows underneath his eye sockets, but they aren't as dark as mine. Despite his disheveled appearance, his eye is wide with excitement and he's smiling like a psychopath - exactly the way I remember.

I'm not imagining things at all... he's really here.

Joseph starts laughing hysterically while I scream, struggling against his iron grip. Suddenly, he crushes me into his chest, wrapping his arm around me securely, preventing me from escaping. My breathing hitches and my entire body trembles violently. My shaking hands clutch the material of his shirt, confirming my nightmare.

"I've missed you, Chisa." Joseph croons.

This really is happening...

Tears stream down my cheeks as Joseph rests his head on top of mine. He sighs, and I can practically hear the smirk in his voice. Joseph shifts his hand, bringing it to my head. I continue to shiver as he strokes my hair, running his cold fingers through it like I'm his pet... but I'm not! Yet, why am I acting like I am?

Joseph's chest rumbles as he chuckles. I instantly freeze.

"My dear little Chisa! I think you've forgotten... you are my pet, silly girl!"

A spark of anger flares within me, and I can't contain myself:

"I'm not your pet! Let go of me!" I shout, struggling against his strong hold again.

Joseph scoffs at my efforts. "I've missed your fiery outbursts, puppy. But I must insist that you are indeed my pet..." he pauses, releasing my shoulders. However, before I can move, his hand grips my chin, applying pressure, forcing me to look him in his ice cold eye. I can't repress the shudder that ripples through my entire body. "Besides," he continues, "a good little puppy always returns to her master."

My breathing hitched and I shook my head frantically, making his grip on my chin falter. I instantly back away, turning around to run for my life, clutching onto the hope that I can get away this time.

Yet, fate is a cruel, cruel thing. As soon as I turn around, I'm met with a brick wall. My eyes widen in fear and a whimper escapes my lips. I whip round, determined not to let Joseph trap me here. A strangled cry leaves my mouth as my eyes instantly find him, less than a metre away from me.

"Stay... stay back!" I cry, my voice breaking.

Joseph only smiles eerily, and takes another step towards me.

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