We dont belong together- TH&JK (3)

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I woke up not recognizing my surroundings, everything I see is so unfamiliar
Where am I?
"She's awake" I heard a voice say as they rushed to me and hugged me tight
I didn't recognize the voice.. my vision started coming back every second and to my surprise, it scared me even more that I didn't know the people infront of me
"Y/n! Omg thank God" One of the men said, I looked and studied them and they were both crying, they look like they hadn't gotten any sleep in ages.
One of the boys, was looking down.. I could see the tears running down his cheeks, eyes red, face puffy.
As much as I try to remember, I can't seem to know who these guys are.
"I'm sorry... who are you" I said sitting up a bit
They both looked at me fast, they were in disbelief
"You don't remember us?" One of them said, as the other ran out the room
"DOCTOR! DOCTOR!" I heard him scream as he ran down the corridors
"Y/n.. it's me" the strange boy came closer towards me and grabbed my hand lightly
I shook my head. I didn't want to be rude and push his hand away because deep down i knew he's someone who loved me. I could tell.
The doctors came rushing in after one of the guys and they quickly started asking me questions.
They checked my vitals, and they said everything was fine.
"I'm sorry" one of the doctors said. The two boys looked at him with tears on their eyes.
"We believe she has lost her memories.. thankfully the wound on her head isn't too deep and we think she can gain them back slowly. Please song try to force her memories back."
I lost my memories? Both of them are crying and I hate that I can't even feel any type of way because nothing really hurts.
I don't remember anything at all. I don't feel anything.
One of the boys came closer to me while wiping away his tears
" it's okay that you don't remember us right now, I'm jungkook and that's taehyung"
He gave me a slight smile so I did the same.
I looked at the boy behind him and he was just looking down, he must be in shock.
I don't know who they are, but why don't I feel anything? Why does part of my heart feel relieved.


Two weeks have passed and y/n still hasn't have her memories back, they have both stuck by her though.
Slowly showing her around places that could trigger a memory but nothing really worked.
She didn't even know who she was, how is she supposed to remember these people.


I have walked around this mall multiple times, I don't remember any of this...Everything looks new to me. Taehyung and jungkook Have tried to make me remember but I just can't." we're gonna go order food okay, we'll be right back just sit here" I sat down on the chair slowly and looked at my surroundings This place is big, it has so many things to do I couldn't help but get up and wander around.

I walked around for what felt like hours, at this point I think I'm lost
I walked through some doors that led outside
And tried to remember which way I had already gone through so I wouldn't get even more lost.
Was this store even here before? Why do they all look the same.
I felt a-little anxious and overwhelmed seeing so many people around me all at once, chatter, laughter, why do I feel so terrible?

I tried to focus on my breath, it wasn't steady. was I not breathing? what is going on with my body? why does my heart hurt so much, I feel like I want to move but my brain won't let me. I can't. 

" hey.. are you okay" I slightly looked up to see a strange man above me.. I  wasn't able to talk so I simply nodded my head yes, in hopes that he would just go away and leave me be. " Im sorry but you don't look alright, do you need me to call an ambulance?" he said looking down at me with big eyes although they looked soft, there was sadness. I couldn't tell if I was now hallucinating but I could swear I see tears in his eyes right now. Does he know me? do I know him? 

I looked at his face, squinting my eyes trying to somehow force a memory, why would a complete stranger cry after seeing me? maybe he's not a stranger at all. I felt my body heavy, eyes shutting. before I knew it I was in his arms. he cried. my heart felt even worse. who is he? 

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