Chapter 10 The Adventure Begins

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It was time. Time to go home. Melody was so excited to finally be reunited with her owner again. She really missed her and was so lost. Melody was so thankful, however, to be saved by Pen, Blocky, Eraser, and Snowball. The four boys took her in and did everything they could to take care of her and find her owner.

Now, at last, she was finally going home.

However, getting home was going to be tough. Eraser explained that Melody's owner, Angela- Marie was going to meet them by the beach. The same beach where Leafy and Firey left to find their Dream Island. From where the group lived to the beach was a long ways away. About a few hours or so by van.

The group knew that they needed help from the Freesmart SuperVan.

The one who was in possession of the supervan was Ruby. Ruby had possession of it ever Pencil decided to give Ruby it as a memento from the alliance formed in BFDIA. Ruby was harshly protective of the supervan and hardly let anyone use it without her being in there with that aforementioned person. The only ones Ruby really trusted with the supervan was only the members of her former alliance.

Doing this was going to be tricky.

Blocky decided to head out and find Ruby. If they were going to get Melody home, then they were going to need all the help they could get. Even if their means of getting help means talking to the people they had a rocky relationship with, at best.

Blocky arrived and saw Ruby washing the supervan, making sure that every detail was covered. That's when Blocky arrived.

"Hey, Ruby. I need to ask you something.", said Blocky, awkwardly. Blocky and Ruby were not friends, they were not even on good terms. It was Blocky's fault due to him being quite the jerk, back in the days. But now, Blocky was being forced to swallow his pride and put aside his rough time with Ruby for Melody's sake.

Ruby was very scared. She feared Blocky. Blocky had threatened her before. One time Blocky tried to cut her with gem shears when she tried to get on Blocky's team! Ruby was also weary of Blocky and his pranks, especially since his pranks involved recovery centers and death and recovering. Ruby hated that and feared it.

Poor Ruby had no idea what Blocky was going to do to her. But, she simply turned around and bravely replied back.

"Hey, Blocky, um, what brings you here and what do you need to talk about?", she asked.

"Well, it's a long story but we are helping a small animal get home to her owner, problem is, the owner is waiting to meet up at the beach. So, we need the Freesmart SuperVan to get there. Could we borrow it?", Blocky asked.

Ruby was surprised. She never could have imagined that Blocky, of all people, could even think about helping others in need. Ruby was also confused as to why Blocky would help a little, random animal at a random time. Why now? Why would he help? What is he even doing? Is this even the same Blocky she knew?

Ruby took a deep breath and sighed. Blocky knew that Ruby was genuinely confused. And, quite honestly, he did not blame her. He was a big bully towards her and the other contestants during the show. And coming up to Ruby randomly just to help a random animal get home in a random act of kindness was quite... something..., to say the least.

Ruby relented. "Fine, you can have the Supervan on one condition: I go with you.", she said. Blocky sighed. He knew there was no getting out of this one. Especially since things were already awkward enough.

"Alright, then. Fair enough.", he replied.

It was time enough for the adventure to begin.

The Jocks' Babysitting Adventure (A BFB/TPOT/Little Einsteins fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now