Chapter 5 Nightmare

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It was a peaceful night in Goiky as Eraser, Pen, Blocky, and Snowball all slept in their respective rooms in their shared house; along with their strange, yet cute little guest. The little music pet, Melody.

As Pen slept in his bed, he could of sworn he heard mumbling and sounds of stress coming from someone. But, he just could not figure out who it was. The noises started getting louder and more upsetting, until he heard screaming... then... sniffling?

Pen awoke straight away and jumped out of bed, ready for action. He grabbed a baseball bat, ready to swing. He thought a burglar was in the house and attacking his friends and that somehow... in some way... they were crying? Somehow...

Pen ignored that confusing thought and was about to leave his bedroom to kick butt before he stopped and saw...


Melody was crying heavily. She had a terrible nightmare and now was crying and mumbling for her owner to come and cradle her and hold her. But, she immediately stopped when Pen shouted her name while looking at her.

"Pen?" *sniffle* *sniffle* "I-I am s-sorry, I... uh...I...had a n-night-m-mare..."*sniffle*

Pen dropped the bat and went over to Melody, hugging her instantly.

"Are you OK? You had a nightmare?! What was it about?", Pen asked so many questions as he felt sorry for the little pet.

Melody tried to talk as she shook and cried, but she couldn't. She continued to cry and sob. Then, out of nowhere, Melody ran to Pen and buried her face into Pen's chest and cried deeply. Pen was shocked at first, but soon found himself hugging and embracing the little animal. He patted her on the back and shushed her.

"There, there, I am here for you. Let it out and you will feel better.", Pen said.

Melody continued to loudly sob into Pen's chest. Then, she finally seemed to calm down and slowly pulled away from his chest. Tears and snot were all over her face as she looked up at Pen, who was looking down at her in worry.

Suddenly, Melody realized that she had cried into the chest of someone she barely knew. Someone who was a jock.

"I... I'm sorry.", she said, in regret. "Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong. You just got scared again. It happens.", said Pen.

Pen once again brought out the hanky and Melody blew her nose. She then felt better.

"Are you OK, now?", Pen asked. "Yeah, I am OK.", Melody replied.

"Do you want to talk about it?", Pen asked. Melody shook her head "no". "That's OK. You don't have to if you don't want to, I am just glad you are OK, now.", he said.

Melody wiped away her tears with her arm before walking towards her bed. "I think I should go back to bed.", Melody said with her voice breaking. "I am sorry for waking you."

Pen looked at the little pet. He felt so sorry for the little animal. Melody was without her owner, she was lost, scared, and confused, she was injured, she had the sniffles, and she ate the soup as if she hadn't eaten anything in a long while.

Pen grabbed Melody gently and carried her over to his bed. "Why don't you sleep with me, tonight? That way, you won't have anymore nightmares and that I can keep you safe.", he suggested. "All right!", said Melody as she jumped down to the bed.

Pen crawled under the sheets and held Melody close.

"Good night, Pen.", said Melody as she fell asleep under the nice, warm bed covers.

"Good night, little Melody, sleep well.", Pen replied.

For the rest of the night, Melody slept soundly, with no nightmares in sight. Only pleasant dreams.

The Jocks' Babysitting Adventure (A BFB/TPOT/Little Einsteins fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt