Chapter-11 :Class trail-1 part-2

Beginne am Anfang

"Sayaka was killed in Makoto's room,right? So that means the killer got inside Makoto's room and killed Sayaka. You see what I'm getting at here, don't you?" He asks whilst giving all the students an expectant look.

"I have a question..." Aoi chimes in

Kenta is surprised by Aoi

"Really? Do tell." Kenta requests

"Okay, so, umm... Well, I was just wondering, how'd the culprit get into Makoto's room in the first place?" Aoi asks everyone

Kenta's curiosity and he is more than disappointed by the question

"Hmm... Yes, how did the killer get inside?" Celeste wonders

Kenta doesn't understand why celeste is pretending to not know things, maybe she is testing his skills.

<Debate start .>

"Maybe Sayaka just dropped the key somewhere and the culprit picked it up. That's possible, right?" Leon suggests with a shrug of his shoulders.

Kenta wondered if it's a game where everyone pretending to be dumb

"I don't think so. That seems way too convenient." Ishimaru tells him

"Then... maybe someone picked the lock?" Chihiro theorizes

"Negative! If you remember, Monokuma made it quite clear that the locks are all unpickable." Ishimaru reminds him

"Fine, how about this? The killer got in the easy way. They could've knocked and said they wanted to talk or something, and Miss Maizono just... let 'em "

"I mean, we all know Makoto killed her, right!?" Hifumi claims as he points an accusing finger towards him

. "That's r-right... Makoto's room was the s-scene of the crime. What more proof do you n-need?" Toko asks everyone


Kenta didn't train toko well

. "H-Hold on a second! I'm-!" Makoto exclaims

"Let's draw our conclusions after we've presented our arguments. Otherwise, what's the point of the trial?" Kyoko speaks up.

"Well we can talk all we want, it's not gonna change that conclusion." Leon sighs

"I don't think that's true at all. I'm sure if we keep at it, something new will reveal itself." Kyoko tells him

"Then let's move on to the next topic. Shall we?" Kenta asks everybody


"So I guess there's no question that the kitchen knife was the murder weapon. But where does that get us?" Leon asks everyone

"M-Makoto must have taken it f-from the kitchen, right? He did it in secret when nobody was in the d-dining hall... And then he w-went and stabbed S-Sayaka with it!" Toko claims

"Okay, wait, hold on. I didn't take the knife from the kitchen." Makoto tells her

"Next you're g-gonna say you're not the k-killer, right? Go ahead and say it all y-you want...!" Toko says

"Well, what if I have a witness? What do you think, Hina?" Makoto asks as he turns to Aoi

"...Huh?" Aoi exclaims

"Kitchen knives " Kenta reminded her

"Remember what you were telling me earlier?" Makoto asks her.

"Just to be perfectly clear, the knife disappeared while you were in the dining hall, correct?" He continues

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