Something didn't feel right about how Kuvira spoke so freely to Suyin. It was forceful, aggressive even, she never did that. If it were me, I would've gotten in a world of trouble. Especially in front of the world leaders, I probably would've been demoted. I never thought Kuvira would become this dictator like she is today, but after that day, well... It makes sense.


"May I speak freely?" I ask Suyin.

"Of course. Jade, you're like my daughter, you can always talk to me. Loosin up a bit," she says with a smile.

"Are you and Kuvira ok? She hasn't been the same since the meeting with the world leaders."

"Kuvira and I will be fine. She is understandably upset with the state of the Earth Kingdom, and she's desperate for it to be fixed."

"I get it. I would do anything to make this all go away," I admit truthfully. "I was born in Ba Sing Se, I visited every summer. It's scary to think about how that's no longer possible. I wish there were something I could do."

"I know. You're just like Kuvira. You're so passionate, and your heart is in the right place. I want to help the Earth Kingdom. As we all know, this is my home, too, but I can't just march in there and force everyone to do as I say. We need a different approach if we don't want history to repeat itself."

"I understand. What we really need is the Avatar."



I was preparing for my journey when I hear Baatar Jr. call. Today is the day. I will be traveling Kuvira and her army to stabilize the Earth Kingdom. If only... I'm a spy. After Suyin met with president Raiko and Master Tenzin, I was asked to meet with President Raiko in Republic City about some something regarding the Earth Kingdom. I was ready to do whatever I could for my country, so I agreed.

"You seem worried," Baatar Jr. says.

God, I can't stand him. I cannot believe he's betraying his entire family, his amazing mother, for Kuvira. They gave him the world, they treated him like royalty, they showered him with love. I remember as a child how jealous I was that he was blessed with such amazing parents. My parents gave me up when I was five, my grandmother shipped me off to boarding school when I was 14. He's so fortunate to have Suyin and Baatar Sr, and yet he doesn't care. I don't understand, I will never understand.

"I want to stabilize the Earth Kingdom, and I am happy to be traveling with you and Kuvira. It's just, your mom..."

I have to be very careful with my words. If they find out I'm a spy, it's over. Kitty and I have to gain their trust so we can be put in the inner circle. There's no telling what we'll gather, and I'm afraid that Kuvira is planning to do much more than stabilize the Earth Kingdom.

"Don't worry about her. Once she sees how everything works out, she'll be sorry and come crawling back to us."

"I know, I just hate how she... Doesn't see the vision," I lie through my teeth.

Of course I lied. I hate him, and I hate Kuvira. I think their plan is stupid and Suyin is right. We can't just march into these towns and take over. That would make us dictators, Kuvira is a dictator!

"I know," he says with a sigh. "And I know how close you and my mother were, but believe me, it'll all be worth it. You're like my little sister Jade, and I promise I wouldn't steer you wrong."

I give him a less than genuine smile. The most f*cked up part is that he considers me his sister, just like he did Kuvira all those years, and now they're dating. Suyin and Baatar Sr. took her in when she was only 8 years old. Suyin trained her herself. This whole thing is just so icky to me.


"What do you think you're doing?"


I gulp. I can't even face her. Ive never been a coward, and yet at this very moment I want nothing more than the earth to swallow me whole.

"We're doing what you don't have the guts to do: We're going to Ba Sing Se to help bring order back to the Earth Kingdom," Kuvira answers boldly.

She doesn't even turn around to face her. I've never witnessed so much disrespect. I want to yell at her, I want to forget this and leave with Su... But I can't. Kitty is waiting for me. I can't blow this mission. This isn't about me, this is about the world. And with Kuvira running around, it's in trouble.

"No! You will stay here!"

"And who's going to stop me?" Kuvira asks as she turns around calmly. "Your security force was more than happy to join my cause. They're some of the best fighters in the world, and they are tired of being treated like exotic birds in your cage. Jade and Kitty begged to join us. Not even they support you while you sit back and do nothing."

Suyin's eyes twitch over to me. 'Please don't look at me like that,' I think to myself. I wish this were a bad dream. I wish I didn't have to do this, I wish the Earth Kingdom weren't in trouble.

"Jade, please," she begs. "I know you want for this to be over with, for this all to go away, but this isn't the way. This isn't you, this isn't what you believe in."

'You're right! It's not,' I want to scream, but of course I can't. I wish I could tell her everything, but the less she knows, the better.

"I'm sorry, Suyin. I'm going with Kuvira."

She looks at me. Her eyes become misty, but they quickly harden. I did it, I broke her heart. She doesn't trust me anymore. According to her, I'm a traitor, a monster even. She hates me. I hate myself. I went through years of extensive training, but nothing prepared me for this.

"If you leave now," she starts again as she turns her attention to Kuvira. "You will never be welcomed back."

"When I choose to return, it'll be on my own terms."


Jade (LOK) (Book 2 of My Sister's Keeper)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz