|1| so like zombies?

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Season 1

Its 2009. I'm in my living room watching that 70s show while waiting for my pizza to come. My parents are out of town on a business trip. I hear a knock on the door. I open it and theres the pizza guy. "Are you okay?" He asks me. "Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?" I ask him. "Turn on the news". I do as he says and turn the tv channel to the news. Its talking about cannibalistic people. "That's messed up" I say. "We need to go" he says. "What?" "We need to go where it's safe. There's a place in Atlanta that is safe"

"Cant they just arrest them?" I ask while packing food, water and clothes. "That's the thing. They're not human. Their teeth are fully exposed and their skin is rotting." He says. "So like zombies?" "Yeah. Pretty much". We get in his truck and drive. My area hasn't been affected yet. "What do we do if we see one?" I ask. "Kill it." I guess these things really are like zombies. "What's your name?" I ask. "Glenn" "I'm y/n". "How old are you?" He questions "15" "I'm 21"

"Where are your parents?" He asks. "They were on a business trip in chicago". We drive for another two hours. We are talking about tv shows and movies most of the way. "We're here" he says. I see signs for Atlanta, and that's when I see one for the first time. It looks like it was a woman, most of her hair is out and her skin is a sick green color. We pull up to where the shelter is. Well, where it was. Now it was fallen over with the zombies walking all over. "Do you know how to shoot a gun?" He asks me. I nod my head "me and grandpa went hunting a lot".

He hands me a gun and a knife. "Keep this knife on you at all times." He says. I hook it around my belt. Just then we here a car approach. Theres about 12 people. "Sorry guys theres nothing here anymore" glenn says, obviously disappointed. The look on everyone's face dropped. A tan man with a little stubble asked "is it only you two?". Me and glenn both nod. "Do you wanna come with us? We have food, an rv, tents." He says. I look over to Glenn. "Sure" he says "we have food and a tent" glenn says.

We follow them back to the camp. "This is good for us" he says "to have people to go through this with. Maybe there'll be someone your age?" He says. I look at him and nod. When we get there we meet everyone. One guy named dale is probably my favorite so far. Theres a twelve year old boy named carl, and a girl his age- wait that's sophia! "Sophia!" I say and she runs up and gives me a hug. "Is your mom here?" She nods and looks towards a creek. "Shes washing clothes". I walk down and see carol. "y/n!" I go hug her. "Oh I'm so happy you're okay" she says. "Yeah. This guy named glenn was delivering pizzas and he told me about this whole thing and we were on our way to atlanta"

"Oh that wasnt there?" "Nope. It got overrun by zombies." I say. Well I better go help glenn get settled in.

Authors note- I MISS SEASON 1 GLENN SM!! he was so sweet and innocent before the prison 🙁. Never forging twd for killing him.

594 words

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