Chapter 2 He His So Hot

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Amy Pov

Either I listen or not, I always fail anyway, so it doesn't matter. Don't think because my dad his rich, he bribe the lecture, my father will never do that. What he always tell me is, it doesn't matter either you fail or pass, when you graduate, you won't be seeking for job, you have it in your hands, and my daughter will never marry a man who can't afford to spend ten millionaire for her in a week. So you should rest assumed, that my dad speech. Miss Nathaniel, can you please explain what I just said. Idiot, why did he call me.

I stand up from my sit while everyone look at me. I keep biting my lips waiting for a miracle to save me from this embarrassing moment, and it did.

-2b - 3 = 4b = -15
+3 +3
-2b = 4b - 12
b - 6b = -12
÷ -6 ÷ -6
b = 2

We heard a voice said from the corridor, all heads turn his way and they all gaps, I also look at him with wide eyes, he his so hot. The lecturer clear his throat. And you are, he ask. Transfer student, he said not looking at anybody. So many girls started looking at themselves in the mirror. I also held myself from looking the mirror. Can you introduce yourself to the class, our lecturer ask. Daniel Forester, he said and sit down at the front sit without waiting for the teacher to tell him what else to do.

Miss Nathaniel you can have your sit. He his so hot, I said to Harry beside me. And cold also, he answered. I can tell, I said grumpily. But that also good, I said happily. What good, Harry ask. That means, he won't have eye for any of those girls, I said. That also includes you, he said. Why are you so mean, at least you should encourage me, I said grumpily. Am giving you the best ideal, it to give up, he said once again. So mean, I said grumpily and look at my Mr. Handsome.

I smile at my self while looking at his side profile. Isn't he cute, I said to Harry not looking away from Daniel. He is, but not yours, maybe he already have a girlfriend who knows, he said. Hey, can you at least say something nice to me, why are you been so mean. I said angrily while trying to keep my voice low. Ok.. Ok... sorry my bad, he said. What am I going to do, do you have any idea, I ask still not looking away from my Mr. Handsome. I have, he said. Really, I shouted forgetting that am still in class.

All heads turn my way while I pretend not to know what going on. When everything went back to normal, I ask Harry, what your idea. Why don't you ask him out? He said. You call that an ideal, I will seem cheap to him, and did you see how everyone is eye raping him, I said irritated. Than tell me what you got, he also said. I don't know, that why am asking you before he have a girlfriend, I said with a sad face. I don't think so, he doesn't seem like someone who will, not that soon anyway, he said.

Doesn't matter, if I don't act fast, he his going to have one soon, I said still looking sad. Harry seem tired by my question. Why don't we wait for July, she might have some ideal, he said. That great, I said a little happy. As soon as the class was over, so many girls surround him, some are asking, if he got a girlfriend while some want to spend a night with him, some even voluntary to be his maid if ever he need one. I look at Harry beside me who look at me with a pity face.

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