Chapter 10 Let me go

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Amy Pov

Am done, I said. He take a look at my work. The answer is work, you get the remaining, but when you get here, instead of 2 you write 4, so that make all the workings from here wrong, can you redo it, he ask me. I swallowed hard. Yes, I answered. Why is he so hot. I did the correct work and show it to him, am done. Hmm... By the time he his done teaching me, it already past eight in the evening, that for today, he said and stand-up. I also stand up while looking at him.

He pack his stuff into his back bag. Can I give you a hug, I ask out of the blue. He look at me irritated. Must you always behave cheap, all the girls have know ever since I come to this city, they are all cheap, you are even the worst among them, even though you came from a very rich family, you are not different from them, he said and walk out. Must he always be cruel with every single words he said. I run to my room and lay down on the bed.

I couldn't stop my tears, this isn't the first time he said am cheap. Why am I also cheap. Is it a crime to love someone. I pick up my phone and call Harry. Oh look who call, he said with sarcastic. Let parry tonight, the usual place, I said and hangup the call. I open my wardrobe and take out a cloth. I take out a mini skirt and a tank top.

I went outside to see Harry and July already waiting for me, I hop in. I said we should meet at the usual place, I never said you guys should come pick me up.. what happens? they both ask instead of answering me. Nothing just feel like parting, I said. Did that bastard say something to you, Harry said angrily. He said nothing wrong, he just doesn't want to see me, I said sadly.

Hey let talk about something else, so what are you going to do tonight, July said trying to divert my attention. Get drunk, I said and we all laughed. Yes let get drunk... uhhhhh.... When we get to the club, we went to the VIP area. We went to the bar. What will you like to drink, the bartender ask. I want a strong Vodka, I said. And mix it. Hey, you can't handle that, you can have any drink you want but no mixture, Harry said sternly. So mean, I said with a pout.

The bartender give me my vodka without mixing it. I drink it in one gulp and ask him to give me another one. I don't know how long I have been drinking, all I know is am quite dizzy. I use my left hand to hold my heard while I try calling Harry with my phone. The call went straight to voice mail. What a perfect moment. Am about to go find them, I almost fell down but a hand me hold from falling. I lean against him and steady myself. Thanks.... Mind spending a night with me, the guy said.

No, not interested, I said and try preying his hand away from my waist, but I couldn't. Let me go, I yell, I felt headache when I yell just now. I hold my head with my hand and try pulling myself away from him, but it of know use. Will you just let me go you moron. He chuckle. No, why should I let a rare gem go? Let me go please, I pleaded.

Let me go is just a simple words, I still not understand why your brain cell don't get it, A voice said from behind us. I don't need to turn around to know whose voice it is, of course it Harry.

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