"Hai...yorushkuni" I said, shaking his hand.

"Listen, I'm sorry for what happened earlier, I didn't knew that you were one of our new sisters" he expand, earlier?.....oh god! You mean when I was all in a fritz.

"Ha-ha-hai!, I'm sorry that I was a mess earlier!" I unknowingly raised my voice in embarrassment, face flushed red.

"Woah, woah, calm down... it's fine, they already explained to me what happened, it's alright" he reassured, I only sweatdropped and nodded, my face still red.

" Hehehe, I guess both of us made a not-so-good first impression to each other on our first meeting" he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, I chuckled a little because of it, his so cute.

"Hai" we ended up laughing happily because of this.

We didn't knew that someone was looking at us, specifically to natsume-san with envy and hatred in the eyes.


"Care for a dance, my lady?" I felt someone tap me on the shoulder, looking over it was none other than hikaru-san.

"Hai" shyly placing my hand on his, he looks so different with male clothes on, but his signature grin is still there, we dance and dance with smiles on our faces until someone pulled my hand away from hikaru-san's.

"My turn with the beautiful lady now"

"Kaname-san" he only winked at me, I saw hikaru-san glaring at his older brother who seemed unfazed by the glares.

We twirl and spun multiple times, someone yet again pulling me away to another dance, I'll get exhausted at this point.

It was masaomi-kun, compare to the last two dance, we moved more slowly and gracefully across the floor.

Then he passed me to ukyo-san, who smiled at me, placing one of his hand on my hip as we glide, he would endlessly said "your beautiful".

A frown made its way on ukyo-san's face as tsubaki-san pulled me away from him "don't hog her to yourselves, big bros" he said, teasing his older brothers, the two of us would laugh as he crack one or two jokes while dancing.

It was azusa-san's turn, he was more gentle compare to tsubaki-san but it was still nice "I didn't know you play the violin" he said, I replied "it's been awhile since I last played one so my skills may not be that good as before" I said in which he immediately responded "nonsense, it was one of the most beautiful thing I've heard" .

" Aren't you tired" as azusa-san passed me to natsume-san, smiling "I am but this is fun so I can keep going for a while" I confidently said, even though I know my legs are aching, he smiled at me more, his so cute! Like a cat! And his heartbeat is so calm and peaceful too.

"Natsume..." An airy voice called out, it was louis-kun "hai, hai.." natsume-san passed my hand on louis-kun's, we dance so romantically, it was like we're flying "your beautiful Ai-chan, don't let anyone tell you otherwise" he whispered to my ear.

The next dance was quiet and....awkward? Not really, it was more like relaxing than awkward, dancing with Subaru-kun was a pleasure.

"I finally had my turn with the beautiful princess" lori-san teased, I only chuckled " your like a beautiful white rose, who elegant and mysterious, and you played beautifully Ai" I still can't get used to these praises.

" You don't look so fine, Ai" yuuske-kun said, concern and worry reflected in his eyes "I'm fine senpai" I said, his face started to turn red while avoiding my eyes, he looked at the other way "it's not senpai.....you can call me yuuske you know" even though I do call him that, habits are hard to change, I would call him asahina-senpai or senpai most of the time but I really am trying to change it "ok....yuuske"

"My turn!" Fuuto-kun pulled me toward him, his usual mischievous smile and eyes looking down at me "we may be at the same age and all but you are unexpectedly small" he teased, I puffed out my cheek to show him that I'm angry "oh, is my little kitten angry? don't worry even though your small and an idiot It doesn't matter to me" he said, is that a compliment or an insult?

"Yay, it's my turn with Ainee-chan" wataru-kun happily twirl and spun me around as I followed him, laughing and smiling all the way.

Finally it was mu turn to dance with the groom, a slow music as I placed my head on his right shoulder, no words are necessary at all, all we know is that this is...perfect.

After all the dancing, Ai ended up fast asleep and tired on one of the benches, emma sitting beside her as Ai leaned her head on her sister's shoulder.

It was time for the bride to toss the bouquet, ladies lining up for it but unexpectedly as the flower flip and spin in mid air it landed on the head of the hinata sister's.

Emma was confuse as hell as a blush made it's way on her cheek while the oblivious Ai continued to sleep with a petals from the flower on her hair, oblivious of everything that is happening.

The other just laughed on how cute and bewildered she is, she can sleep on such circumstances, it was undeniably cute and pure, while some took a pick of the cute Ai showered with petals.

Ai Means love[HAITUS]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora