chap. 6

677 19 1

Secret revealed...





I continued saying 'No' with ema and louis-kun responding a 'yes', the argument continued on and on until they sighed.

They want me to wear a knee-lenght blue plain styled long sleeved dress and so I did because they forced me, I let louis-kun style my hair an that's as far as I can go!

"Come on now Ai, It's a special day and we're a family, don't you think it's about time you let them know" emanee-chan coax, but won't I freak them out? That's what scared me the most, my new family calling me a freak, witch or a monster.

"It will be alright, trust me" louis-kun bend down to me and held my hand, smiling at me.

"It will be fine, Ai-chan" mira went along with them, Currently sitting on my lap while louis-kun style my hair, I looked down at her for, I ponder over it for a long time, Nee-chan is right I shouldn't be afraid anymore, it's up to them if they like it or not, hesitating is not an answer right now...

"Ok......" Both of them smiled, louis-kun lightly curled the ends of my hair and gathering them on my right shoulder, tucking any loose hair behind my ear revealing both of my eyes, A blue butterfly hairpin on the right side of my head was the finishing touch.

It was nee-chan's turn, I rushed to my room in hope of.....hiding.

Wait, we still need to bake the cake!,
I 'terribly' hesitated about it but I suck it in and went downstairs anyway, and thank goodness none of them are home yet!


"Done!" Acting childishly by high fiving each other after getting the cake out from the oven.

We started decorating it before I realized that I forgot my camera, I wanted to take some photos for keepsake but I seemed to have been distracted.

"Nee-chan I'll go get my camera while you finish the last touches on the cake, is that alraight?" I asked, she smiled at me and nodded saying a 'of course' reply to me.

I ran upstair to my room and going across my desk for my blue camera that papa gifted me when back then, Finding it and checking if it's working.

Oh look, there are still some photo memory in it...

"Isn't that the photo on chii-chan's 15th birthday~pu?" Mira also recognized the photo, I heard her chuckle a littlem

It's not much but it is special, like this one photo of nee-chan's birthday party where we spend it by celebrating it between her, me and juli, mira and ice cream of course.

Papa works oversea so the two of us learned to take care of each other since no one will, He rarely gets home and even if he does he'll leave in a moment anyway...

planning to show nee-chan the picture I went downstairs but my eyes remained on the my digital blue camera screen "nee-chan look what I---"

Alert! Alert! Look away! Look away!

But by the time raise my gaze, my mismatch eyes met more than four pairs of eyes---specifically the eyes of my stepbrother looking at me with wide eyes and open mouthed.

The attention I'm getting caused me to go....flustered...again, heat raising to my face as I started to wave my hand in the air while going in my panic mood.

I did the same thing that I do every time someone looked at my eyes---covering them by my hands.

"Eh!!!???" I heard them screamed, I didn't lift my hands from covering my eyes but their loud voices did hurt my hearing---terribly!! It's like my ears are ringing! Nee-chan knew very much how I react when a loud noise is around me, she immediately rushed to my side and put her hand on my right shoulder.

"Daizuboka Ai?" She gently asked, still covering my eyes I shook my head rapidly "No I'm not, I knew they'll be freaked out about my eyes" I said, silence filled the air until I felt a hand removing mine from my face, I didn't knew the reason but I just went along with it, Light filled my eyes, I blinked twice before mustering up a courage to look up to the person in front of me.

"Tsubaki-san...?" A light blush on his cheek, hands holding mine as his purple one stared down to my yellow and blue one.

"Why are hiding? Your eyes are beautiful, sorry if we scared you"

3rd person's POV

They are too beautiful that I couldn't look away...

The asahina siblings thought, they never thought that the reason why she let her bangs cover her right eyes was because of this...

Left blue eyes and right yellow eyes, a perfect harmony between them....

It truth they weren't freaked out about it at all they were merely mesmerized by them instead, her blue dress alone caught them off guard wondering who this beautiful goddess infront of them but her being more wonderful and beautiful when they saw her rare blue and yellow hetochromatic eyes.

Of course asahina yuuske already knew about her eyes but he never had a good look at it since the girl was always sensitive when it come to her eyes.

"No their not....." Ai looked away and said in a bitter tone, she was always insecure about people telling her that her eyes are beautiful, well you can't blame her, she grew up believing that her eyes is a curse and so that nobody should look at them.

The sibling looked at each other, feeling sad about the girl.

Even the cat on top of her head meowed in sadness while caressing Ai's hair in hope of comforting her with her small white kitten paws.

Azusa walked beside her twin and smiled at the girl "you might think so but to us it's beautiful, we are family so please don't hide it" he said gently.

Ai let down her hands took a deep breath before looking up to her older brothers, smiling at them.


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