chap. 7

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Birthday celebration..

"You made this for suba-nii?" Yuuske-kun gloomily asked, his face blackened in sadness.

"yes, I would say me and Ai did a pretty good job" ema praised herself and her little sister for a job well done.

"Sugoi~ ema-neechan and Ai-neechan are the best in making a cake!--" the youngest was about to rumble on and on about his beloved older sisters before the oldest pulled him in to his side to stop him...

"I can't eat it, I want to but I can't, sorry" the red head had his shoulder slumped down because of this
the girl he likes just made a cake for his older brother, he wants to eat it but if he does it's the same as eating a heartache, it's painful yet sweet.

"Eh?! Nandi?" Ai dropped the spoon in her hand, her face showed disappointed to herself, did she do something wrong that yuuske won't eat the cake they made?! Being the weak, depressed and simple-minded girl she is.

Tears welled up in her eyes, until tsubaki decided to lighten things up before he kills his red haired little brother for making such a beautiful and delicate girl cry.

"Eh? Why is that? Well...if your not going to eat it then I'll happily take your share!" He teased, an irked mark appeared on yuuske's head, everyone bursted out laughing.

"Here you go, imouto-chan" tsubaki got a leftover berry from a bowl and fed it to the tear-up Ai, she unknowingly opened her mouth and eat it, tsubaki bashfully smiled "how is it?" He asked, Ai was overwhelmed by the delicious taste of the berry that she immediately smiled and fully tear-clean face and eyes.

"Hai!" She happily said, everyone smiled at her cuteness, tsubaki tried to fed ema as well before azusa spun the white haired twin on his away from the girls with juli scratching tsubaki for his behaviors toward ai and ema.

Everyone soon started to place the foods on the table, Ai and ema Noticed the birthday boy sitting alone and kinda distant on the couch "why is subaru-kun not looking at the cake?" Ai asked, ema nodded in agreement until kaname stepped in between them with both his hand on one of their shoulders

"you see, imouto-chans, he may be suffering from a diseases, it's one of the most rarest illness out there that even doctors can't cure, I myself may have it as well" he sighed out heavily but a sly smirked went across his face.

" Eh? Are you alright kaname-san?" Being a dense and innocent girl she is, she worriedly asked, kaname sighed out again before Patting their heads,
such cute and innocent little sisters.

The lights were turned off as the fire from the cake were the only light in the room, they all sat down and enjoyed the mood.

"Thank you two for your hard work, the cake and the decorations are beautiful" ukyo thanked the two girl, they blushed because of the compliments they have been getting and keep saying that it's just a cake and nothing special about it.

"It's one of the most awesome cake I have ever seen!" Wataru's eyes sparkled in delight, everyone soon agreed.

Ai Means love[HAITUS]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora