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The longing heartbeat of a heartbroken lori...

1 months later...

A month have passed ever since our first day meeting the asahina brothers, papa and Miss Miwa's wedding is just around the corner.

Our relationship with our new step siblings are processing just fine but I can't say much about subaru, who always stays quiet when me and nee-chan are around, the seventh brother that we never met before, and especially fuuto who won't stop calling me kitten but I can tell that his kind in his own way.

Yuuske-kun and nee-chan are always discussing about the their upcoming career counseling next week, yuuske-kun is going crazy about deciding which collage to go to while nee-chan is going as much as crazy about whose name should she put on the guardian's space, ever since we were small we have to look after each other because papa wasn't always home due to his job.

Feeling the breeze in my hair as I sat under the tree within the garden as I enjoy the cold shade and the peaceful surrounding, mimi napping on my lap as juli nap on top of my head, he usually goes wherever nee-chan is but unfortunately he started sticking to me more to keep an eye on me, I would suddenly collapse or faint in the middle nowhere, I keep on making sick absence in my class, I'm grateful to my understanding teachers that already know my condition and didn't called anyone in my family, it would be a big problem if my step-brothers found out about this.

Luckily I fainted when nee-chan and I were alone or when I'm in my room so nobody really noticed it....yet....I hope.

"Ai? Surprise seeing you here" a voice said, a rather comforting and soothing heartbeat sound entered my hearing, and I knew very much who it is.

"Lori-san, okaerinasai" lori-san isn't always at home because he rather stay in his dormitory to study, I heard his planning on studying abroad.

"Arigato, What are you doing here? And are you ok? You look more paler and weaker than I last saw you?" He immediately shot me with questions, I tried to answer them.

"I'm just out to get some fresh air, and yes I'm fine, thank your for worrying" I reassured him, he looked at me for a moment before sitting down on the grass beside me.

"I hope it's not much of a trouble for you and your sister, you know about the suddenly moving in with 11 other people, it's pretty crowded in here sometimes" he said, I only chuckled softly while brushing Mira's fur with my hand.

"Not at all, actually We think it's a good thing, nee-chan and I grew with only the two of us together always and finally family a big family excited us, we love it" I said, he smiled faintly, Something else flashed in his eyes, his heartbeat started to sound...sad? Longing?

"Are you alright?" I asked him, he shook his head, his heartbeat changed.....his lying..."you don't have to lie, Did I do or said anything that upseted you?" I hurriedly said, shock were seen on his face " how did you know I was lying?" He asked, I sighed out.

" Ever since I was little I have a keen sense of hearing, I can hear almost anything near me, even people heartbeat, I then started to identify their emotions by listening into their heartbeat and yours just told me that you lied" I explained, silence was in the air for a moment before he smiled sadly at me than looking up the clear blue sky.

"You really do remind me of her..." Her? Who? "I had a person I loved once, she was the most precious treasure I have in my entire life, she was my girlfriend....." The longing sound resonated from him
" you miss her...your longing for her" I spoke out my mind, he chuckled bitterly "Yes....yes I am, she died in a car accident..." Before I knew it, tears rolled down my cheeks, His heartbeat is getting me to cry.

"I'm.... I'm sorry to hear that" I apologized, he looked at me before smiling yet again and wiping my tears away "you didn't knew and thank you for crying for me, You remind me so much of her that I couldn't help myself, thank you...." He said before hugging me, I hugged back and his my tears in his chest, I feel guilty for wetting his uniform, I started to calm down as his heartbeat started to calm down also.

I felt him put something around my neck before pulling away, looking down I saw the most beautiful necklace ever.

"It was her necklace..." He explained, I was shock for a moment before I tried to take it off to return in to him but he grabbed my hand and looked at me straight in the eyes "don't....I want you to have it, I'm sure she would want you to have it too" He kissed my forehead before saying another 'thank you' then he stood up and walk away, leaving me utterly speechless and emotional...

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