chap. 3

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"Ahem" ukyo-san purposely coughed out and cleared his throat to snap everyone back and to get their attention "tsubaki, I've taken that you didn't informed yuuske like I asked you to do" he said, asahina-senpai---wait does that mean his my older brother now and I no longer need to call him 'senpai'?

"Let me guess, you forgot" senpa--I mean yuuske-kun said but Tsubaki-san only thrown his hand behind his head and said "you sound really judgey right now, that hurt" in a joking or is it sarcastic kind of way.

"you are my schoolmates not my sister" yuuske-kun said and pointed at us, Ehhh!!!?? Nandi!!!??, My heart started to hurt, this is what I'm talking about..

"Hey! Why do you have to be so dramatic bro?, You can't just disown them" tsubaki-san defended us, I only gripped my hands tighter and looked down on my feet.

"I can do whatever I want" yuuske-kun said back, I feel.....dizzy all of a sudden...

"Ai daizuboka? You don't look so Good?" Asked juli, I pulled up a smile and said "iya, I'm fine juli" I said, even before he get to talk back, someone stole our attention

"oh, your finally here, It's a pleasure finally meeting you two" A blonde haired and wearing a monk outfit went near us, He took my sister's hand and kissed the back of it before letting it go and doing the same to one of my hand, which caused me to be flustered, my poor heart...

After he kissed it, I lightly took my hand back and proceeded hiding behind my sister, Hearing yuuske-kun's whining while being in a headlock by Tsubaki-san

"Kaname, that's gross" he said, but the one he called kaname only smiled and held my sisters hand once again, juli crawled from my shoulder to emanee-chan's hand that was being held by kaname with a tick mark on his furry head

"Oh, I remember you" kaname said but juli only scratched his handsome face with his claws which startled both Emanee-chan and me, I immediately grabbed juli with both my hands..

"Juli.." I scolded the squirel who only frowned and crossed his little squirrel arms sending a I'm-not-guilty vibe, Where did he get this overprotective attitude of his? Ever since I was small he would always watch over us like a hawk.

"Daizuboka?" I asked kaname-san as I gazed at the small claw scratches on his face, although it's not much of a problem, juli still did it..

"It's alraight, imouto-chan, I can never hate my sweet little sisters pet, your Ai-chan, right?" He said, I nodded while petting Juli's blue fur..


I feel dizzy.....and wozzy...

I should head back to my room, after excusing myself and proceeding to my room, I didn't even bother to lock my door as I flop on the bed and blacked out to sleep....

I woke up after hearing a knock on the door, I stood up rubbing my eyes to ease the weariness while walking to the door.

"Hai...." I opened it, Senpai stood there with a pink tinted cheek and looking away from me while rubbing the back of his neck with his right hand the other hand stuff inside his pocket.

"Ummm yeah.... Your sister had a fever so she passed out" he bashfully said still refusing to look at me. Wait what!!?

"Nani?! Onee-chan did!?" I screamed in shock but it wasn't too loud, My knees started to get weak out of the sudden news.

"Relax, she's alright, masa-nii is with her right now and his a doctor so.." eh I didn't know masaomi-kun is a doctor, I took two deep breath before relaxing myself, my right hand on my chest patting the area as an act of comfort to calm down.

"That's a relief.." I said, I didn't saw that he looked at me as the same time I opened my eyes and looked at him straight in the eyes, surprise written all over his face.

"Y--your eyes..." My eyes? Oh shoot! I didn't noticed that I tucked my hair behind my ear earlier and now both my eyes are exposed! I immediately became flustered and covered my right eye.

"G--gomenasai..." I quietly said

"You know, you don't have to cover your eyes....Th---they a-are beau--beautiful....and we are f---f---fami--ly...after all" I was touched at what he said to the point that I almost cried---but I didn't, I only blushed very hard and stuttered.

"Ar-arigato....y--yuuske-kun..." I'm still not used on calling him by his name, I hope he doesn't mind.


Yuuske-kun left after our small talk, I went to my sister room and knocked on her door.

"Nee-chan?" I called out, I heard a faint 'come in Ai' from her so I opened the door and closed it behind me.

"I heard what happened, daizuboka?" I worriedly asked her, she only responded by a gentle smile.

"I'm fine, just a slight fever and I'm alright now, Actually I'm planning on taking a shower to freshen up" she said, I nodded, We talked for awhile before I decided to head back to room and her heading to the bathroom.

I decided to stay in her room for awhile before walking out of the room, I met another unfamiliar person, blue polkadoted jacket and beautiful, silky long white hair covering the right side of his face like mine but more stylish in his way.

"Eto.....??" I mumbled, I don't think I ever saw him before, he on the other hand just smiled at me, a gentle and soothing vibe resonating from him that is somehow telling me that this person is no harm at all.

"You must be Ai, I'm Louis the eight son, nice to meet you" eight? I forgot they have more than one missing brother.

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