chap. 9

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"is Ai-chan alraight, Chii-chan?~meow"

"I......I don't years pass by her body is getting worse and worse"

"we should call your dad to let him know--"

"No! We can't tell papa right now, His currently on vacation with miss miwa and I don't want to ruin it"

"But, if Ai doesn't get to see the doctor I'm afraid she'll get even weaker"

"I don't want that to happen~pu"

"I don't want that to happen either mira and it's not going to happen, I'm sure Ai will just be fine as long as we take good care of her"

Here they go again, I'm so weak to even open my eyes or move, I can only stay like this until I recover, I can hear nee-chan, mimi and juli arguing beside my bed like they always do when I get sick.

I'm sure I'll be just fine, mira and juli stayed behind to watch over me as nee-chan went to school.

Awhile later I manage to open my eyes and move my hand.

"Ai-chan your awake!~pu" she nuzzled her furry head on my cheek, I chuckled

"I was already awake earlier mira, I was just to tired to move" I said, forcing myself to slowly sit up, juli jumped from my bedside table to my bed while holding my...medicine?

"Quick take your medicine! Before something even worse Happen to you!" He worriedly scolded(yelled) at me, A sweat ran down the side of my face...oh juli.

I grabbed the glass of water nee-chan left on my bedside table and took..... four different pills and gulp it all down which made juli and mira jumped in surprised.

"You idiot! Why did you gulp all of that down!! It was supposed to be one at a time!!" Juli got an irked marked on his head, I breath out in relief.

"Gomeni, I just...want to end this pain, I hate feeling so weak" I slowly said, juli and mira quieted down, shutting their mouth up.

I hate this....

"Don't be sad, I appreciate and so grateful to have you two looking after me, I'll go change my clothes" I patted their heads before grabbing a pair of clothes to change in and slipping out the room.

On the way I can feel my head so light and everything is kinda spinning, My vision are getting blurry and I'm waking so slow.

Winter is almost here...

"Oy..." A blurry figure of a male stood infront of me

"What's up with you?" A voice said....even though my ears are ringing I tried to listen to his heartbeat to know who it was.

Oh no...

"Fuuto-kun?" His right arm resting on his right hips looking so intimidating and kinda.... handsome, if it weren't for his arrogant behavior..

"You look like your about to collapse, kitten" he said, I only smiled at him faintly.

" I'm fine....just tired...Thank you for worrying about me" I said, he scoffed and said "I wasn't worried or anything at all" I chuckled softly, tsundere....

I walked past him not before smiling at him a little, a small blush crept on his cheeks..

After changing I bumped into yuuske-kun looking so frustrated and holding a piece of paper while his other hand is scratching the back of his head.

"Ai??" He called out, why am I bumping into so many people? I smiled faintly at him, my half lidded eyes staring back at him?

"Yuuske-kun.." I greeted him, worried appeared on his eyes as he gaze down on me.

"daizuboka?" He asked, I nodded slowly at him, Even though I don't know myself if I'm alright or not.

"You didn't go to school today" he said, I'm surprised he noticed that, before I get to answer juli and mira hurriedly ran to me.

"Aii!!! You shouldn't stand for too long, quick go back to your bed and lay down" juli yelled while looking up to me, I can almost see steam coming out from his head, god, I really need to lay down, I'm starting to hallucinate.

"Ok juli, calm down you two" I said, mira keep on tugging my sock to get me to move, juli on the other hand is fuming with anger or worry.

"Have you seen ema?" Yuuske-kun asked, I shook my head " No, I haven't seen her since this morning" She should be back by now.

Yuuske-kun and I headed to nee-chan's room, along with mira and juli in my arms, juli keep on glaring at yuuske-kun and telling him to stay away, it's a good thing only nee-chan and I can understand him--and Louise-kun of course.

Juli ran ahead to her room to make sure 'those wolves' are not with her, oh juli.

But to my surprise I found him inside a bag with fuuto-kun and nee-chan sitting on the floor and watching a movie in nee-chan's room.

Fuuto-kun looked kinda...... distress? His heartbeat is making alot of piss-off kind of sounds, I'm taking a guess that juli ruined something....I wonder what it could be.

Yuuske-kun and fuuto-kun started to fight, They are like fire and ice with it's starting to hurt my ears, they are very very loud.

"Ai, do you want me to call papa or your doctor?" Nee-chan hand her hands on my shoulders and whispered it softly in my ear, I shook my head.

"It's fine nee-chan, Winter is just around the corner so that's why I've been so.....weak, lately" I explained, she looked even more worried.

"but your pale as snow, Ai. I'm worried about you, what if you get even worse?" She asked, her voice rising up a little, I patted her hand that was on my right shoulder and leaned against her hug.

"It will be fine nee-chan"

I hope so.....

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